Can we ever expect a “sour tea” to be a health boon? Strange it may seem but Hibiscus Tea is not only a refreshing summertime drink, it proves to be a plus point for those seeking cardiovascular health.

The pleasant-tasting Hibiscus Tea stands out in its deep red colour. Cultivated in Eqypt, Sudan, Mexico, Thailand and China, the Hibiscus Tea is packed with a range of benefits for overall health and fitness. Hibiscus is an attractive and beautiful flower. Here are some of the different health benefits which are associated with hibiscus flower:

BENEFITS OF HIBISCUS TEAPROS: Lowers blood pressure: People who are frequent drinkers of hibiscus tea experience a reduction of 7.2 points in their systolic blood pressure. That besides, hibiscus tea is known to be a mild diuretic, that helps increase urination and reduce blood volume, thereby causing blood pressure to go down.

Lowers cholesterol: Studies reveal that just like red wine, hibiscus tea is full of antioxidants and bioflavonoids that are helpful in controlling cholesterol. This helps to reduce the risk of heart disease. Moreover, it effectively decreases body-blood pressure in persons suffering from Type-2 Diabetes.

Improves digestion: Hibiscus tea improves the functioning of the bladder and the bowels and has traditionally been used to treat constipation. Since it has an anti-spasmodic effect, it can be used to settle digestive flare ups associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Helps in weight loss: Hibiscus tea can be a part of any weight loss program. It contains an enzyme inhibitor that blocks the production of amylase, the enzyme that transforms starches into sugar. Drinking hibiscus tea after meals helps to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, which gradually leads to weight loss.

Combats cold: Since hibiscus tea is rich in vitamin C, it is an excellent guard against common colds and flu.

Decreases depression & mood swings: The minerals and vitamins in hibiscus tea help contribute to getting a more positive frame of mind and a calmer nervous system.

Prevents pre-cancerous cells: Like all antioxidant rich foods that we keep reading about, hibiscus tea helps slow the growth of precancerous cells by destroying free radicals.

CONS: Hibiscus Tea is not recommended if you are bogged down with any of these problems:

a/ Pregnancy or fertility treatment: Hibiscus tea can lower estrogen levels and is therefore not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy, or for women who are taking birth control pills.

b/ Low blood pressure: Because hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure, it is not recommended for people with hypotension or low blood pressure.

c/ Hallucinations: A small section of people have experienced hallucinogenic side effects from hibiscus tea. Therefore, don’t drive a car or engage in other potentially dangerous activities until you know how your body reacts to the tea.

If you are those types aiming to lose weight, hibiscus tea may be a healthier choice than fast acting solutions.