5 Ways to remove unwanted Hair at home

Every woman wants a natural radiant, soft and smooth skin. To achieve this look, a woman needs to gets rid of the unwanted and ugly hair. There are so many products available in the market that help you in getting rid of unwanted facial and body hair. Today I will be telling you about some Hair removal techniques that can be used to get rid of unwanted hair at home.

5 Ways to remove unwanted Hair at home

Waxing: This is most common and inexpensive way to get rid of unwanted hair. In waxing, hair is removed from roots and thus you can stay hair-free for a longer time. Waxing is done by honey and nowadays chocolate waxing is also getting popular. DIY sugar hair removal at home >>

Razors: Razors are savior especially when it’s an emergency as you can shave your hand/ legs easily without any expertise. But shaving can cause injuries if not used carefully. Plus, hair grows back in a week so you need to shave regularly. It’s an inexpensive way but NOT the best.

Epilators: This electrical device pulls out unwanted hair immediately and is safer than using razors. Epilators are rechargeable or battery operated. Investing in an epilator is worth as you can use one epilator for lifetime which is inexpensive than waxing every month.

More: Natural remedies to remove unwanted hair at home >>

Hair Removal Creams: Hair removal creams are handy, inexpensive and super easy to use. You can use them anywhere, anytime to get rid of those ugly hairs on hands. But these creams don’t remove hair from roots due to which hair come back within a week. Also, some hair removal creams contains chemicals that can darken your skin and can cause irritations.

Threading: To get rid of unwanted facial hair, threading is the best, cheapest and effective way. In this process, a thread is used to pull out the hair by crisscross hand movement. This method is the easiest way to get rid of facial hair and very beneficial for those who don’t want to undergo laser treatments. If you have sensitive skin then this process can make your skin red for sometime. It’s a painful procedure especially if it’s your first time but for people who constantly undergo threading are quite habitual. Threading is done for eyebrow hair and for other hair on face like on cheek area, forehead or on chin.