HOME REMEDIES TO SOOTHE SKIN AFTER BLEACHINGBleaching your skin might be the easiest way to lighten facial hair and get glowing and fairer complexion in a jiffy! But life’s best short cuts always come with a price. This too is no different. While you bleach your skin, you definitely pile your skin with layers of chemicals and then, the slightest mistake in application or choice of bleaching creams could give you rashes, redness, irritation, itching, blisters and even bleach burns! So, it is very important to soothe your skin so that you do not get rashes in the first place and to treat redness and burns, if you have already got them after having bleached your skin fair.

Home remedies for soothing bleach burns

  • Flush it cool: It is necessary to keep the burning area flushed by cold running water. Wash for about 15 minutes, wait and then wash again if the burning sensation persists.
  • Alleviate with potato: Did you know that potato peels, with anti-bacterial properties, could be a solution to your bleach burns? Covering minor bleach burns with potato peels helps soothe the area and heal it fast.
  • Lavender comfort: The comforting properties of lavender essential oil help to reduce pain and heal your skin. Application of lavender essential oil repeatedly on bleach burn with the help of cotton swab acts as an antiseptic and soothes the skin.
  • Turmeric relief: Healing bleach burns is easy with a therapeutic mixture of yoghurt and barley with turmeric added to it. Turmeric acts as a magic wand and the curing process is accelerated.


Home remedies for soothing bleach rashes

  • Cucumber cooling: Make the most of the cooling properties of cucumber. Refrigerate mashed cucumber for about half an hour and apply this cold comfort directly on the affected area. Wash off after 10 minutes and get the inflammation and itchiness relieved.
  • Aloe vera magic: Aloe vera instantly soothes itchy and inflamed skin. In a cup of chilled water, dissolve 5 or 6 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and 2 tablespoons of organic honey. Apply this magical concoction of your bleach rashes, leave on for about ten minutes and then rinse.
  • Sandalwood pleasure: This is definitely a grandmother’s tip. The anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties of sandalwood have stood the test of time. Simply mix sandalwood powder with cold milk and apply on the affected area. In ten minutes, skin feels soothed.

So, next time you go for bleaching your skin, make sure you keep some of these home remedies handy. After all, rashes and burns hurt a lot and attaining fair skin tone shouldn’t initiate so much pain and discomfort. You must never forget to soothe your skin after getting it bleached.