Healthy ways to fight stress with food

“You are what you eat” the popular saying has unbelievable fact in it. You have to eat all types of foods available according to your requirement. No one can say a single food will supply all nutritional values you need. Thus almost all famous nutritionists says the above quoted popular saying with slight change in it as “Tell me what you eat we will say what you are”. With such busy and tiring schedule everyday, it’s quite easy to get stressed out, isn’t it? So, today we are going to check top natural stress fighters.

Healthy ways to fight stress with food

1. Green Tea: Enjoy green tea it will set your mood right. Not a joke. A Japanese study confirms this. Not related to age, sex, BMI (Body Mass Index), Medical History, alcohol consumption, diet, cigarette smoking etc. the study conducted with more than 40000 people and it was proved that people consuming at least 5 cups of green tea have 20 percent lower psychological stress in them when compared to others.

2. Whole Grains: Whole grains boost calming serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, plays main role for the transmission of nerve impulses. We can choose any whole grain such as popcorn, oatmeal, quinova, wild rice provide a wide range of nutrients as they are digested and absorbed slowly blood sugar levels can be maintained in an average so that sudden drop and spike in sugar levels problem not arises.

3. Mushrooms: Mushrooms are rich in selenium and they are the only veggie resource of natural Vitamin D, a key nutrient which fights against depression and enhances mood. Stunning fact is that mushrooms arises vitamin D content to 800 percent of daily requirement.

4. Dark Chocolate: Eating about an ounce and a half of dark chocolate a day for two weeks continuously will reduces levels of stress hormones. Yes, it is a proved fact. A recent study confirmed it. It contains magnesium which alleviates PMS symptoms such as cramps, depression, irritability, fatigue, water retention etc. Mainly its antioxidants trigger the walls of blood vessels to relax, improving circulation so that a change in oxygen delivery and nutrients can be observed to each and every cell.

5. Ginger: Ginger contains an antioxidant gingerol, which fights against bad chemicals in our body. Bad chemicals leads to psychological and physical stress including stress headaches. It can also relieves you from pains, motion sickness, respiratory problems, an upset stomach and menstrual discomfort.

6. Avocados: Potassium intake increased simultaneously lowering blood pressure levels can be seen. Theses Avocados are rich in Potassium, twice as much as banana. Only thing to remember when taking avocados is make sure to exercise portion well in control because they are high in fat.

7. Spinach: Deficiency of magnesium may lead to fatigue, irritability, stress, indigestion and stress. Spinach have significant levels of magnesium in it. Other sources for magnesium are salmon, soyabeans, walnuts etc.

8. Oranges: You may probably know that oranges are famous for their richness in vitamin C. Vitamin C not only increases your immune system but also curbs cortisol levels. Cortisol is nothing but a stress hormone. Other Vitamin C rich sources are Berries, blue berries, raspberries.

9. Omega-3: Omega-3 fatty acids when consumed daily help in balancing stress harmones, mood swings.Try to have fatty fish two times a week. Not possible then add flaxseed to your yogurt will nullify the problem.

So planning a good food dairy will help you keep in good mood, relieves stress and be in happy mood with good health. For this don’t go for any medication.Using proper diet dairy regularly will help you maintaining good health, wealth and stress free life.