Best winter beauty tips to keep you glowing

Our skin always needs a special attention. Be it Summer or Winter, special importance has to be given to our skin. Our skin also changes along with the seasons and hence the care and products also has to be customized to give the skin the best to deal with the changes. Winters are a major concern to most of the people as it leaves the skin dry and tight. As a result, flaking, cracking and eczema ( inflamed skin) are very common. We bring you the best beauty tips to help you deal with winter blues:

a3Moisturize Often: Due to the dryness, skin needs to be moisturized more. Do not use the same moisturizer as you did in summers. Based on the change in weather, the beauty products definitely need a change. Purchase a moisturizer which is oil based and not water based. The oil will create a protective layer on the skin which helps in retaining moisture. Your face and body moisturizer should vary, as the skin on the face is very delicate. Excess oil on face might close your pores. Take complete information before choosing the products.

Use Sunscreen: There is a misconception that sunscreens are meant only for summers. Absolutely not! Sunscreen with a broad-spectrum must be applied before stepping out in the sun. It must be used on face,neck and hands, which will be exposed to sun. If you are staying out for a loner time, repeat the sunscreen.

Use gloves or socks: Cover your hands and feet with fresh socks and gloves. Wet gloves and socks might cause irritation to the skin. If not changed for a longer time, possibilities of infection are on higher end.

Say no to superhot baths: Try to avoid the superhot showers. Though it might be soothing to the body, yet it is not advisable to treat your body with excess hot water. Hot water breaks down the lipid barriers in the skin, resulting in loss of moisture. A lukewarm water with a pinch of baking soda can be equally relieving to the body.

Grease up your feet: Your feet requires a great care in winters if you do not want them to crack. Use products based out of petroleum jelly or glycerine as the skin is little hard there and hence a strong moisturizer is required. Exfoliate periodically to shell out those dead cells so that your skin can absorb the moisture easily.

Wear Winter Clothes: Cover yourself with the woollen clothes to avoid falling sick or damaging your skin. Use gloves for your hands, socks for your feet, scarf for your ears and hair, sweaters/ jackets for your body. If you are covered properly, half of the battle is won. The remaining half can be won by using proper products for your skin. Use lip balms to avoid chapped lips, moisturizer, sunscreen, Vaseline or glycerine and so on.

Frequent Cleansing is strictly prohibited: Cleansing during summers is a green signal, but it should be strictly avoided during winters. Cleansing once in the morning and evening is acceptable, but not frequent cleansing. Usage of face wash should be limited. The less you trouble your skin, more the moisture is retained.

Hydrate: The one thing that is common to all the seasons is the water intake. The fluid and water intake must not be decreased during winters. We are not prone to sweating during winters, yet for healthy skin water intake is must. Drink minimum 8 glasses of water for a better digestion. We equally are more attracted towards tea, coffee and hot beverages which demands more water for digestion.