A tiny whiff of lavender essential oil stimulates a wide array of pleasing sensations. But the goodness of this essential oil goes beyond its aroma. Lavender oil has a well-established reputation for its calming, relaxing, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and antiseptic nature. It is also packed generously with sedative, detoxifying, and hypotensive properties. Here are 13 different ways you can reap the benefits of lavender oil in your daily life.



Healing acne toner:

Mix rose and lavender essential oils to heal your acne and pimples. You can also add witch hazel to prepare a wonderful acne–easing toner.

Natural Mouthwash :

Mix 1 tsp of lemon juice and five drops of lavender essential oil in 1 cup of warm water. Use this as your mouthwash to do away with bad breath.

Topical skin cream:

Treat your itchy skin conditions and sun rashes with lavender oil. Mix coconut oil with cocoa butter and lavender essential oil to create a powerful healing cream to treat various skin conditions including eczema. Apply it in generously amounts atop affected area till the condition heals.

Dry skin body butter:

The emollient nature of this essential oil can be combined with coconut butter to be effectively used to heal dry, chapped skin. It can also ease the chapped lips or skin affected by the sun.

Hair Growth Oil:

The lavender oil moisturizes the scalp and eases dandruff. Just mix a couple of drops of this essential oil to your hair massage oil and use it regularly for noticeable changes. Regular use of this essential oil promotes hair growth and heals hair loss.


Just 2 to 3 drops of this essential oil can calm your body and mind. Add the therapeutic oil to your palms and inhale its fragrance to ease away your panic and create your personal spa in no time.

Lip Balm for chapped lips:

Heal and nourish your chapped lips with a fabulous, aromatic combination of lavender essential oil and honey. Mix 2 drops of lavender essential oil with ¼ tsp honey and apply it on your lips before bedtime to promote healing and adding a natural glow to your lips.

Sleep Spray:

The sedative and relaxing properties of this essential oil helps you enjoy a good night’s sleep. Just add a drop to your palms, rub it, and spread it on your pillow to sleep well. DIY Lavender sleep spray  >>

Homemade anti-stress bath:

Relax yourself in a tub filled with 1 cup of Epsom salt and a few drops of lavender oil. Feel the stress and strain melting away. This bath is the perfect way to end a long day.

DIY Natural deodorant:

Dust in a little baking soda beneath your underarms to absorb the sweating. Dissolve a little lavender essential oil to water filled in a small spraying bottle. Shake well and use it as your natural deodorant.

Try this essential oil right away to reap its goodness!