Slow down facial hair growth with face scrub

There are different methods to reduce or remove facial hair though they can be extremely painful or extremely expensive so here is quick tip to reduce facial hair at home.

Slow down facial hair growth

Exfoliating is the best way to reduce the growth of facial hair and one of the best natural scrub found in the kitchen is sugar,so to scurb off the facial hair make a honey-sugar scrub:

To make a sugar scrub mix 1tbsp brown sugar, 2tbsp ground coffee, 1 tbsp honey and few drops of lemon together.

Exfoliate in circular motion and against the growth of hair, leave it on for 15 mins and rinse. While sugar is an excellent scrub, lemon and honey will lighten and reduce the appearance of facial hair giving your skin a smooth finish.

Follow up with a facial hair removal mask for better results.