Plump Your Lips Naturally Using Cinnamon

Fuller lips are in trend. We all want them but not all of us are born with Angelina’s plumped pout. There are a lot of lip plumping devices and treatments that can give you the desired plump you want, but they can be expensive and you might not always be satisfied with the results. For a natural plump and pout, cinnamon can be used. Below is how you can use cinnamon to give an illustration of fuller lips along with its benefits:

Plump Your Lips Naturally Using Cinnamon


  • Cinnamon improves blood flow and circulation acts as a plumping serum when applied on your lips. It gives an attractive look to your lips. More: Ways to plump lips naturally >>
  • Cinnamon is the best way to plump your lips since the results are not permanent and you can use it as and when you want.


  • To use cinnamon for fuller lips, exfoliate your lips first using a lip scrub or granulated sugar mixed with coconut oil.
  • Now, in a bowel add some Vaseline, olive oil or coconut oil. Add in some cinnamon powder and give it a good mix.
  • Apply it evenly onto your lips. Cinnamon will sting for few seconds making your lips to plump.
  • Let it sit for about 2 minutes and then wipe it off.


  • Do not use it on chapped lips when cinnamon comes into contact with an open wound, a painful burning sensation usually results.
  • Do not rub the cinnamon too much as it will irritate the skin and you will end up with ugly sore lips.
  • Patch test before use.