natural treatments to strengthen nails

natural treatments to strengthen nailsConstantly exposing nails to acrylic enhancements, nail polishes, nail art stickers, pollution and even exposure to sun can damage nail-health. Weak, brittle and yellow nails can make you embarrass so it’s important to take care of your nails just like you do for your face.
To enhance nail health and to make your nails strengthen naturally here are few home remedies that you can try. All these recipes are completely natural and effective:

Lemon Juice:

Mix 4-5 tbsp. of lemon juice with 3 tbsp. of water and keep this mixture in glass. Now soak your nails in this mixture for around 10-15 minutes and the n rinse well. Finish off by applying a cuticle oil to lock moisture. This nail soak is good to whiten nails naturally as lemon is natural bleaching agent. Repeat it 2-3 times a week.

Egg Yolk and Honey:

Beat two egg yolks in a bowl and add 1 tbsp. of honey in it. Mix both the ingredients well and then soak your hands in it for 20 minutes. Then rinse off and apply cuticle oil. If you are suffering from weak and brittle nails then this treatment will make your nails strong as eggs are enriched with protein.

Olive oil and tomato juice:

If your nails don’t grow then it’s very essential to provide them essential protein they need. Soak your nails in mixture of 2 tbsp. olive oil and half cup tomato juice for around 20 minutes. Repeat it every alternate day for visible results. This mixture will make your nails grow and will also nourish them.

natural treatments to strengthen nailsGarlic:
Using garlic is an old remedy to strengthen weak and brittle nails. Take small garlic and chop it to get minced garlic paste. Now add this minced garlic in a clear nail polish and keep it untouched for 8-10 days. After 10th day, paint your nails using this nail polish and keep it for as long as you want. If you don’t like the garlic fragrance then after applying nail polish soak your hands in lemon juice to get rid of garlic odor. Repeat it once a week for stronger and healthy nails.

Milk and olive oil:

Take one tbsp. of olive oil and mix it with 2tbsp. of milk. Keep this mixture in a bowl and now warm it in oven. Using a cotton pad, apply this warm mixture on your nails every night and let it stay overnight. In the morning wash off and say help to nourished and shiny nails. Repeat it 2-3 times a week to get healthy and strong nails.