How to prevent Nail Polish From Chipping

All ladies love experimenting with the nail art and different shades of nail color as I do but  the one thing that bothering me lately is how quickly my nails chip. Nails are sensitive and tends to break or chip when they are more exposed to water. So let me share some helpful tips to prevent nail polish from chipping.

How to prevent Nail Polish From Chipping

The very important step to follow before applying nail polish is to remove the old nail polish from the nails with the help of nail polish remover and clean your nails with fresh water. This process is very important as bumps, ridges, or imperfections on your nails can cause your nail polish to chip.

First apply the base coat and allow it to dry. Doing this procedure prevents the polish from staining your nails but it also adheres to your nails better than regular polish.

Now apply the top coat of the nail polish and allow it to dry. To dry it soon you can dip your hand in the cold running water. Cold hardens the polish so before you start to paint take a bowl of water with few cubes of ice.

Now the last and the final step apply the polish coat. To extend the life of a polish change you can apply the polish coat every single day. You can select some polish coat which dries off soon so doing this your nail will look like as they have been freshly painted.

Tips : Soak your nails in the olive oil and massage it mildly twice in a week. This helps in maintaining long nails and also gives glow on your fingers.

Once the nails are grown give it your desired shape if nails are not shaped than its edges turns to be sharper and if this sharp edges touches your face it remains permanent scars on your face.