Healthy Spinach Lentil Soup Recipe

Cooking and eating healthy in our modern lives is a big chore for most of us. Most of us end up eating unhealthy junk food and so lack nutrition. The key to a healthy and balanced lifestyle is healthy, nutritious food. Today, I will share with you a simple, easy to make spinach dal soup. Dal is full of proteins and spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals, so its a filling and nutritious soup.

Healthy Spinach Lentil Soup Recipe

Health benefits:

  • Moong dal is good for weight loss as it is low in calories and at the same time keeps you full for a long time.
  • Both moong dal and spinach are a good source of iron and people who suffer from anemia can take this soup.
  • It helps to manage blood pressure and lower cholestrol levels.
  • The soup is full of anti-oxidants and helps to fight against free radicals damage and ageing.
  • It is also good for diabetic patients as it improves blood glucose control and increase insulin sensitivity.
  • Spinach contains vitamin K which helps to improve calcium absorption and help bone health.
  • Spinach contains vitamin A and C which helps in building collagen which is necessary for healthy skin and hair.

Healthy Spinach Lentil Soup Recipe

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Serves: 3 people


  • Moong dal / yellow lentils – Half cup
  • Spinach leaves – One cup
  • Tomato – One small
  • Garlic – 3 pods
  • Pepper – 2 teaspoon
  • Salt – as required

Method of preparation:

  • Wash and soak moong dal in water for half an hour.
  • Wash and chop the spinach leaves.
  • Put moong dal, spinach, tomato and garlic pods into a pressure cooker and cook for 5 whistles till the dal is cooked fine and can be mashed.
  • Switch off the heat and transfer the contents into mixer/blender.
  • Blend it finely into a soup consistency.
  • Add salt and pepper as required.
  • Your healthy, spinach dal soup is ready. Serve in soup bowls.


  • You can use any spinach – palak will be best. Else you can use whatever available.
  • You can also add onions if you like the flavor.
  • Add a dollop of butter for extra flavor.

This is an easy, quick and at the same time healthy and flavorful soup. Do try this soup and let me know how it was.