Coconut detox water for summer

Coconut water is the best way to refresh your skin from the summer heat. Coconut Water is rich in anti oxidants that helps to remove and prevent any damage caused to skin by sun or pollution, it also beneficial in improving the texture of the skin and helps the skin to have a natural glow. It is not only a natural drink that has a lot of nutrients in it but also tastes better than water, so don’t forget to sip on some coconut water to keep yourself hydrated and your skin moisturized. Here is a recipe for coconut detox water you can try:

Coconut detox water for summer


  • Keeps skin well-hydrated
  • Contains detoxing compounds
  • Reduces bloating and gas
  • Keeps body cool and prevents heat boils
  • Flushes out toxins


Things you need-

  • 2 cups fresh coconut water
  • Carrots sliced
  • Cucumber sliced
  • Lemon juice
  • Turmeric root sliced
  • Ginger root sliced


  • In a mason jar or serving glass, add coconut water.
  • Add in carrot, cucumber, lemon juice, turmeric and ginger. Proportion depends on your liking.
  • Mix well and refrigerate for abut 30 minutes.
  • Sip throughout the day.

Coconut detox water for summer