Ayurvedic natural face cleanser recipe for clear skin

Hello people!! Today I am going to tell you how to prepare an herbal soap using very simple ingredients to have a wonderful skin. I am going to share two soap recipes with you. First one can be used if you have acne problems or blemished skin. The second soap can be used to bring a glow to your skin. Both the soaps can be used by normal skinned people too, to maintain healthy and glowing skin.

Ayurvedic natural face cleanser recipe for clear skin1st Ayurvedic soap recipe: Ingredients:

  • Fullers earth
  • Licorice root powder(Mulethi)
  • Neem , Mint and Basil leaves all in equal amount
  • White sandalwood
  • Glycerin or Lemon juice

Now all you have to do is grind neem, mint and basil leaves to make a fine paste. If you have taken them in dried powder form then mix equal amounts of powder in rose-water or water.

When the paste is ready; mix fuller’s earth in it in equal amounts as the above paste. It should be 50% neem, basil and mint paste and 50% fuller’s earth. Now add a teaspoon of licorice powder and sandalwood powder. Then add glycerin or lemon juice. Put the mixture in a small mold and place it in a freezer for 1 night. Next morning you will notice that it is frozen and your soap is ready. Now when you have to use it take it out of the freezer use it and then keep it again in the freezer. This soap will be kept in freezer all the time and it won’t catch any fungus. You can use it both in morning and at night ideally.

2nd Ayurvedic cleanser recipe: Ingredients:

  • Fullers earth
  • Licorice root powder(Mulethi)
  • Red sandalwood powder

Take 50% sandalwood and 50% fuller’s earth powder separately. Now add water in fuller’s earth powder. Let it drench in water for whole day. Next day mix it with the sandalwood powder and 1 teaspoon of Mulethi powder. Put the mixture in a small bowl and place it in a freezer for 1 night. Next morning you will notice that it is frozen and has taken the shape of a bowl. That’s it your soap is ready. You can use this soap up to 4 to 5 times a day.

Advantages of both the soaps:

  • Really really cheap
  • Will really help your skin. Will remove your spots and enhance glow and complexion. You will see the results within 21 days.
  • Very easy to make and the ingredients are easily available.

The only disadvantage of these soaps is that they should be kept in freezer all the time. So if you don’t have a freezer at your disposal you can mix all these powders together and keep them in a container. Then whenever you have to use it take a teaspoon of the prepared mix a little lemon juice or glycerin and water in it. Wash your face with it and you are good to go.