Bergamot oil has a fresh, citrusy aroma and that is why, it uplifts your senses and mood in no time. This sweet aromatic oil is great for hair and skin and can be effectively incorporated in your daily beauty regimen as a multi-purpose beauty oil.


Bergamot essential oil beauty benefits

  • It has stimulating properties that help in enhancing blood circulation. As a stimulant, it helps in promoting hair growth.
  • It has a soothing effect that calms down the mind as well as nervous system. Hence, this oil is great when used as hair massage oil.
  • Bergamot oil has anti-microbial properties that help keep scalp infections away.
  • It has antiseptic properties that make it perfect for treating acne and pimples.
  • Bergamot oil has disinfectant properties that stunt the growth of odour causing bacteria. It acts as a natural deodorant.
  • This sweet and fruity essential oil with warm and spicy floral notes can be also used for adding natural fragrance to your body oils and homemade skincare recipes.

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Bergamot essential oil in beauty recipes

Adding bergamot essential oil to your day-to-day beauty programme can be extremely beneficial. Just add a few drops of bergamot oil to your regular beauty recipes and this little step will work wonders! Check out some of the amazing ways in which you can benefit from bergamot essential oil:

  1. To impart shine to hair: Adding a few drops of bergamot oil to jojoba oil will help you get shiny locks. Apply the oil on your hair and scalp. Distribute it evenly throughout from the hair roots to the ends. It also acts as a natural serum to tame frizzy and stray hair strands.
  2. To get rid of scalp build up: Each time you use a purifying shampoo, add a few drops of bergamot essential oil to it and apply on hair and scalp. This practice helps you do away with product build up on scalp and hair. Best ways to get rid of scalp and hair build up >>
  3. As a tonic for hair growth: Mix castor oil and coconut oil in equal amounts. Add a few drops of bergamot oil and massage your scalp with this all natural hair tonic. It helps in stimulating hair growth.
  4. As a soothing skin toner: Mix ½ cup chamomile tea with three tablespoons of aloe vera juice and ½ teaspoon witch hazel. Add about five drops of bergamot oil to it and stir well. Put it in a spray bottle and refrigerate it. Use this soothing toner to do away with acne scars and also to treat uneven skin tone.

Bergamot oil can be used safely as your beauty companion. However, make sure that you do not expose yourself to the direct rays of the sun immediately after opting for a bergamot oil treatment for your hair and skin. Use this stimulating oil to get beautiful hair and skin, naturally!