We keep hearing a lot about ‘turban therapy’ these days. But what exactly is turban therapy and what are the benefits associated with it? If such questions are hovering in your mind, read this article and you will get an answer to all your doubts.



Hot turban therapy and its requirements
Hot turban therapy is a method of steaming your hair in which a hot wet towel needs to be wrapped around the head. It is perhaps one of the most effective and easy home remedies for attaining healthy hair. In order to go for a turban therapy, you need a concoction of oils to nourish your hair, hot water and a towel. For the oil blend, it is best to bank on coconut oil, corn oil, castor oil and olive oil in equal proportions. Turban therapy is known to be very effective as it helps open the pores, thus allowing the oil blend to penetrate deeper into the hair roots. Thus, it nourishes the scalp, treats hair fall and improves scalp condition.

Hot turban therapy benefits

  1. Hot turban therapy allows the oil to penetrate deep into the hair roots. As a result, hair health is restored and problems like dandruff and hair fall are also tackled.
  2. It allows your hair to reap the benefits of the best known oils for hair like coconut oil, olive oil and castor oil. Coconut oil conditions your hair, olive oil nourishes them and castor oil stimulates hair growth.
  3. Essential oils stimulate your hair and scalp and give them their dose of omega 3 acids as well as vitamins.

More: List of best hair oils to use for hair growth >>

How to do a hot turban therapy?

  1. Mix coconut oil, corn oil, castor oil and olive oil in equal proportions.
  2. You can also add a drop or two of your favourite essential oil like ginger oil or tea tree oil.
  3. Heat this oil blend and allow it to cool down.
  4. Apply the oil on your hair and scalp.
  5. Massage your scalp with your finger tips.
  6. Leave the oil on your scalp and hair for at least two hours. You can also leave it overnight.
  7. Dip a towel in hot water and wring it to do away with extra water.
  8. If you have long hair, gather the strands in a bun.
  9. Wrap the towel around your head just like a turban and wait for about fifteen minutes.
  10. Rinse your hair with mild shampoo and water.

Hot turban therapy tips

  1. Feel free to infuse herbs like neem, hibiscus, basil, fenugreek or amla into the oil blend for extra benefits.
  2. Essential oils should be chosen wisely to cater to your hair needs. Moreover, do not add more than two or three drops of essential oils to the oil blend.
  3. Make sure that the hot water you use for dipping the towel in is not extremely hot. Otherwise you may end up burning your scalp.

Thus, turban therapy is a great way to fix dry hair, dandruff problems and hair fall at home. A nourishing oil massage followed by a towel wrap is all that it asks for! Go for hot turban therapy once a week to get healthy and strong hair, naturally!