Smart ways to Shave for smoother skin

For the best shave, you’ll need to follow few tips and tricks. So here is a guide to help you get a smoother, closer shave and avoid redness and irritation.



You will need

  • A good razor
  • Loofah or scrub: prepare the surface of the skin by exfoliating the skin
  • Shaving cream: Use a moisturizing shaving cream or a natural ways to shave. Creams and gels lubricate the skin and hold that moisture in.
  • Lotion: Use pure aloe vera gel or shea butter to treat bumps, redness and rashes after shave.

Warm water: Wash the area you want to shave with warm water to soften the skin. The warm moisture of a shower makes hairs soft and plump and opens your pores.
Scrub: Exfoliate before you shave to open pores and have to exfoliation removes dead cells and impurities that can cause acne, ingrown hairs.
Cream: Apply the shaving cream to soften the hair and allow shaving blades to glide.
Shave: Use a good razor and go against the grain.

Read More: Get rid of rashes and bumps after shave >>

After shaving, rinse with cool water and pat, don’t rub, with a towel. Apply a thick layer of cold moisturizer or aloe vera gel to treat redness and irritation. You can also find immediate relief by putting cool washcloth on the skin or using ice cube.