Apple cider vinegar is an amazing ingredient that is used in tons of home, health and beauty recipes. Organic and unfiltered mother vinegar is the best especially if you want to use it in beauty and health recipes. Organic mother apple cider vinegar is quite expensive, but did you know you can make your own at home too? Here is a recipe you should definitely try-
Things you need-
- 1 kg organic apples
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- Enough filtered/distilled water
Dice apples and put them in a jar.
Add in sugar and enough water. Make sure the apples are fully submerged in the water. If the apples stay out of water, it can attract mould growth and spoil the entire batch.
Secure the jar with a tight lid and shake it. If you feel the lid isn’t tight, you can place a cheesecloth on the jar opening and secure it with a rubber band before putting the lid.
Place the jar in dark in a warm place for about 2 weeks.
The apples will ferment and make the water orange and turbid.
Strain the apples and pour the fermented solution back into the and jar and let it sit for another 1 week.
Your apple cider vinegar is then ready to be used!