You will feel dizzy due to a wide range of conditions. If you are feeling physically or mentally stressed out, then you do feel light-headed. Many a time, vertigo or an energy burnout after an intense workout session could also trigger this condition. Hypoglycemia, pregnancy, extreme chronic stress, and other conditions also make you feel that you are going to hit the floor then and there.

Before reaching out for the cupboard for any medications, try these home remedies, next time you feel dizzy.


The 6 Most Effective Solutions For Dizziness From Your Kitchen

  1. Water

Drink a glass of cool water as soon as you feel dizzy. It will hydrate you immediately, preparing the body to functioning normally again. Add a teaspoon of honey also to pep up your sugar level and provide your body with an instant dose of energy.

  1. Ginger

Chewing a slice of ginger could improve the circulation levels, thus sending out nutrients to essential parts of the body. This, on the other hand, helps in faster recuperation. If you are at home, you can even steep in a cup of ginger tea and flavor it with a little honey and sip it for instant relief.

  1. Nutmeg With Cumin

Studies suggest that both the ingredients possess the ability to stabilize sugar levels and ward off dizziness. If you are hypoglycemic, you can use this home remedy daily to avert the condition. You can also use this if you are feeling dizzy while having high-grade fever. Just crush a teaspoon of cumin seeds and mix it with 1 tsp nutmeg powder. Consume it thrice a day to keep dizziness away.

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  1. Give yourself a simple massage

Dizziness arising from fatigue and stress can be eased by a simple massage. Start from your feet and massage upwards in circular motions to promote blood circulation. This relaxes your nervous system and ease dizziness. Using lavender essential oil for massage will pep up the benefits.

  1. Whole Wheat Flour with Almonds and Pumpkin Seeds

If you are suffering from chronic dizziness, then this could be your pick for long-term relief. Mix 3 tbsp of whole wheat flour with 12 almonds and 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds. Soak overnight and then grind into a smooth paste, next morning. Mix in 3 to 4 cloves while grinding. Boil the mixture with milk until well cooked. Mix in honey and consume this every day till your dizziness stops visiting you.

  1. Lemon

Lemon is one of the most suggested home remedy to ease dizziness. Just squeeze in a lemon in 300 ml water. Dissolve 2 tsp sugar and a pinch of salt and drink this. You will be relieved immediately.

While these home remedies for dizziness are quite effective, it is always advisable to be aware of the underlying conditions. This will help you stay safe. So visit a doctor and identify the root cause before you try these remedies.