Ouch !! Soothe a sunburn instantly

Sunburnt skin needs extra care and moisture. The sun sucks out the essential moisture from the skin leaving it dry, flaky, burning and peeling.

Soothe a sunburn instantly

* Rinse: Splash cold water over the sun burnt skin and with a soft cloth gently pat dry, if there is itching or burning then sooth the area using aloe vera ice cubes. Simply pour aloe vera gel in an ice cube tray and freeze it for an instant sunburn treatment.

* Moisturize:  Use a lotion that contains aloe vera, aloe vera contains soothing properties that will instantly give you relief from the sun burn. Vaseline aloe vera body lotion has aloe vera in it and is perfect for summer. Keep your body lotion or moisturiser in the fridge to cool and apply a thick layer of the chilled moisturizer on the area for a quick relief.

Read More: 20 home remedies to treat sunburn >>

* Mask: Mix oats, milk and honey to make a sun burn mask to soothe and clam any irritated skin.

* Hydrate: Now it’s time to start working on your skin from the inside. If you want healthy skin and faster relief from the sun burn then water is what you need, drink lots of water to heal the sun burn and keep your skin hydrated.