Natural remedies to acne-free skin

Natural remedies for acne help clear oils, fight breakouts and reduces redness and irritation for exceptionally clean, clearer skin. Get rid of dirt, oil and make up and pamper your skin with these natural treatments.

Natural remedies to acne-free skin


Using the right oils in an oil cleansing method, you can cleanse your pores of dirt and bacteria naturally, to heal, protect and nourish your skin. Popular oils for acne prone skin include light oils like jojoba, grapeseed along with few drops of essential oils like tea tree essential oil or lavender essential oil to help control acne.

Cinnamon mask:

Combine cinnamon along with honey for a acne mask to heal and cleanse the skin. Cinnamon mask is an effective acne remedy because it provides your skin with natural nourishment and moisture, unlike some commercial acne products.

Honey – face wash:

There are anti-bacterial properties that are naturally found in pure honey. This common kitchen ingredient is also known to contain anti-inflammatory compounds. Apply a light coating of honey to the skin. Allow the honey to cover the skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your skin thoroughly with warm water and then splash cold water onto the skin to help constrict those pores.


Apple cider vinegar – tonerĀ :

Apple cider vinegar is so great for curing acne, use it as a natural toner to kill bacteria, gets rid of excess dirt, oil and remove dead skin cells to keep your skin clean and clear. The malic and lactic acids found in the vinegar help to soften and exfoliate your skin, reduce spots and treat acne on both your face as well as body by simply adding ACV to your bath water.



Steam opens the pores and allows the impurities to escape. The steaming method is important to help soften and dissolve trapped oils and dirt in your pores. Boil a pot of water and then let it cool for a few minutes. Bend over the bowl of water and drape a towel over your head to trap the steam in. After 10 minutes you can remove the towel and dry the steam off your face.