Are you someone who often experiences hair fall, dandruff, frizziness, dry hair, extensive hair damage and split ends and just can’t find the right product to help you treat all these problems? Well, what’s better than using an overnight hair mask!

If you are wondering why you should leave your hair mask on overnight, it is because overnight hair masks can be very beneficial to all kinds of hair especially for those with dry, damaged and frizzy hair, as it can help infuse the hair shafts with moisture, reduce hair breakage and frizziness and help add shine to the hair.

Fade acne scar with homemade mask

Check out these three super simple DIY overnight hair masks, that you should try out today!

Here are the recipes of the three DIY Overnight Hair Mask along with their benefits:

1. Rice Hair Mask:


1 tbsp cooked rice

1 tbsp argan oil


Into a mixer grinder, add in the cooked rice, argan oil and little water (to get a smooth and pasty consistency) and grind into a fine paste. It is then ready to be used.


Rice and rice water can help strengthen hair and protect the hair against future damage. Rice contains an ingredient called ‘inositol’ that can penetrate into damaged hair and promote hair repair. Argan oil can help moisturize the hair and reduce hair damage.


2. Fenugreek Hair Mask


2 tbsp fenugreek seeds

1 cup hot water

2 tsp coconut oil


Into a cup of hot water, add in 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds and let it soak overnight for the seeds soften.

Once the seeds have softened, strain the fenugreek seeds and pour it into a mixer grinder along with half of the soaked fenugreek seeds water and grind it into a fine paste. Pour this mixture into a mixing bowl and add in 2 teaspoons of coconut oil and mix well until properly combined. It is then ready to be used.

Tip: You could also coarsely grind the fenugreek seeds, as it will serve as a scalp scrub by gently massaging it in once applied.


Fenugreek seeds are rich in protein which is essential for hair growth. It can also help reduce and prevent scalp conditions like dandruff. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which can help reduce hair damage to a large extent. It also acts as a natural hair conditioning agent that can help tame frizz and make the hair feel smooth and lustrous.

Aloe Vera hair mask for hair fall

3. Aloe Vera Hair Mask


4 tsp coconut oil

2 vitamin E capsule

4 tsp fresh aloe vera gel


Into a bowl, add in the coconut oil, fresh aloe vera gel and vitamin E capsule (by pricking a hole into the capsule and squirting out the liquid). Mix this well and let the mixture be smooth and fine, without any lumps. It is then ready to be used.


Aloe vera can penetrate into the hair follicles and can condition and improve dry and damaged hair.

Coconut oil has moisturizing properties that can help nourish damaged hair.

Vitamin E acts as a protective layer for the hair follicle and can help restore hair shine, while also reducing hair damage and hair breakage.

Five Simple Steps to use these DIY Overnight Hair Masks

Step 1: Start off with detangling your hair and make it free from knots.

Step 2: For application – You can use a cotton pad, applicator brush or your fingertips.

Step 3: Partition your hair and evenly apply this onto your scalp and on your hair using downward strokes.

Step 4: Tie your hair into a loose bun and then put your hair up into a shower cap and leave it on overnight (so put on the mask before you go to sleep). It is advisable to put a towel or cloth over your pillow to avoid it from staining or else you can also use an old pillow cover.

Step 5: The next morning, rinse your hair using a mild shampoo and conditioner and let your hair dry naturally.

Here’s a Tip: For those who use these masks after you have already washed your hair with a shampoo, then just rinse off the mask properly with plain water (you do not require to shampoo your hair again). Make sure that no residue remains. Lastly, use a mild conditioner after.