Aloe vera is one of the most versatile natural ingredients out there, that can be used in multiple ways from reducing and lightening scars, treating hair loss, curing indigestion, reducing sunburn, preventing and curing acne and in many other such ways.


Therefore, using aloe vera either in the form of its fresh gel, commercially bought gel, aloe vera juice or aloe vera oil can come in handy for all your needs!

This article will talk about the top 10 remedies using just aloe vera.

Here are the top 10 aloe vera remedies:

1. For Indigestion

You can use aloe vera for the purpose of indigestion by drinking it as aloe vera juice or adding it into a smoothie.

2. For Blisters

Make a mixture of 1 tsp of aloe vera oil, ¼ tsp organic turmeric powder and ½ tsp honey and apply it on the wounded area.

Note: Aloe vera oil recipe below.

3. For Scars

You could massage a little aloe vera gel (fresh or commercially bought) over the scars on the skin and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing off.

4. For Hair Loss

Partition your hair and apply aloe vera oil (you can also warm up this oil before applying it) on your hair and scalp evenly. Then gently massage it in, using circular motions and let it sit for half an hour to forty minutes before washing off with a mild shampoo and conditioner.

You can also use either commercially bought aloe vera gel or preferably use the freshly extracted juice to add into your deep conditioning hair mask.

Note: Aloe vera oil recipe below.

5. For Sunburn

You can use either commercially bought aloe vera gel or preferably use the freshly extracted gel of the aloe vera plant to gently lather over the wounded area of the skin.

6. For Acne

You can drink aloe vera juice on a daily basis as it acts as an anti-acne medicine.

7. For Razor Burns

You can use either commercially bought aloe vera gel or preferably use the freshly extracted gel of the aloe vera plant to gently lather over the affected/sunburnt area of your skin.

8. For Insect Bites

You could gently rub a little commercially bought aloe vera gel on the insect bite and leave it on until it dries. No need to rinse it off thereafter.

9. For Dandruff

Freshly extract the gel from the aloe vera leaf and apply it all over your scalp and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes, before rinsing off with a mild shampoo. Make sure to condition your hair thereafter. Do this at least 2 to 3 times a week until the dandruff goes away.

10. For Stretch Marks

You could massage a little aloe vera gel (fresh or commercially bought) over the stretch marks on the skin and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing off. Repeat this every day until the stretch marks disappear.

Is aloe vera safe for use and consumption by everyone?

Here are some general tips to consider while using or consuming aloe vera:

  • Patch testing while using aloe vera gel or oil for the skin, is always recommended.
  • Do not overconsume aloe vera juice and have it in moderate quantities as it can have a laxative effect if taken in excess.
  • If you have any side-effects after consuming aloe vera juice, make sure to stop its consumption with immediate effect and consult a medical professional.
  • Those who have other medical complications or those who are taking prescription medications are recommended to consult a medical professional before consuming aloe vera juice.
  • Pregnant or lactating mothers should consult a doctor before consuming aloe vera juice.

How to make aloe vera oil at home?


15 – 16 aloe vera slices
(Approximately one-inch slices each)

1 cup coconut oil


Make a paste of the cut aloe vera slices, using a mixer grinder. Then, into a heating pan, add in the coconut oil and the aloe vera paste and let it come to a boil, then reduce the flame and let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes until the colour of the oil has changed and the aloe vera paste has started to clump up. Turn off the flame and let it cool down. Strain using a muslin cloth and then pour it into a container for storage purposes. Store in a cool and dry place, with lack of sunlight.