Where there is home, there are leftovers. There is no way to have no leftovers, and we always this question in mind- how long to keep the leftovers? Whatever we cook, there do remain leftovers and if it is edible, we toss it in the fridge and have it later. There are no specific expiry dates as to how long we should keep the leftovers, but with experience and usual spoilage signs, we do get to know that it is not edible anymore. Here is a guide about some leftovers and how long to keep them:



Whenever we cook beef, chicken or turkey, we normally do not finish it off at one go. So ultimately it has to go to the fridge. You can keep it for 2-3 days in the refrigerator in a closed container and not more than that as it develops sliminess.

No. of days it lasts: 2-3 days


Shrimp, lobster or fish once cooked take no time to get spoiled. If you have these as leftovers that you may want to eat later, have it within 2 days of cooking. Wrap it up in aluminium foil and toss it in the freezer.

No. of days it lasts: 2 days

  1. PIZZA

Pizza is one of the most common leftovers. We usually just toss the box in the fridge but that is not right; take out the remaining pizza pieces from the box and keep it in an air tight container then in the refrigerator. If you simply keep it that way, the pizza will harden and become inedible. Pizza can be stored for approx. 3-4 days after which it will develop a pungent-cheesy smell which means the cheese and pizza is spoilt.

No. of days it lasts: 3-4 days


A sandwich is made up of various veggies, sauces and even meat. The bread that is used usually soaks up all the water and juices from butter, veggies, meat and sauces so it is advisable to eat it the same day it is made. If you want to store it anyway, toss it in a storage plastic zip lock bag and keep it in the fridge for not more than 2 days or it gets mushy and smelly.

No. of days it lasts: 2 days


Hummus is something that never gets over the same day it is made (most of the times) but it can be reused in sandwiches, as dips, on pizzas etc. transfer the hummus to an air-tight container and keep it in the freezer. It will harden so thaw it before using. This way, you can store it for 4 days but not more than that. If you see a liquid separated out from hummus after thawing, its time you throw it away.

No. of days it lasts: 4 days

MORE: HOW TO STORE FRUITS to Keep them Fresher for Longer

  1. SUSHI

Sushi is something most of the people love. It contains a combination of cooked and raw ingredients so spoilage is easier. If you have it as a leftover, wrap it up in aluminium foil and put it in a zip lock bag or an air-tight container and toss it in the fridge. Use it within 24 hours after which it develops a funky smell.

No. of days it lasts: 1 day

  1. SOUP

Soup usually contains lot of nutrients, veggie or meat broth and is a great harbouring place for bacteria; high water activity being another reason. If you have to store your leftover soup, do not store it for more than 3-4 days. The best way to store soup is to pour it in ice cube trays, cover the trays with a plastic film and toss it in the freezer. Put all the ice cubes in a bowl and let it melt before using.

No. of days it lasts: 3-4 days

  1. PASTA

Pasta can be kept in an air tight container and then tossed in the fridge. Do not store it for more than a week after which it develops a pungent smell.

No. of days it lasts: 1 week


Leftover apple pie can be stored for 2 days on the pantry/at room temperature in an air tight container after which you need to freeze it for 2-3 days. To freeze it, wrap pie tightly with aluminium foil or a plastic freezer wrap and then toss it in the freezer.

No. of days it lasts: 2 days on pantry; 2-3 days in freezer


To store your leftover mashed potatoes, put it in a bowl and cover it with a plastic film wrap and toss it in the freezer. Mashed potatoes freeze well. This way, you can store mashed potatoes for 2 weeks.

No. of days it lasts: 2 weeks