Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and inflamed, which not only makes our legs look bad, but also causes severe discomfort and a feeling of heaviness that often prevents us from going about our daily lives as normal. Varicose veins can be mild or severe, and there are a lot of treatments for it. If your varisose veins are painful, vinegar can give you temporary comfort and can also lessen their appearance until you see a doctor.



  • Vinegar is very effective in strengthening blood vessels and hence can reduce symptoms of varicose veins.
  • It also helps reduce the inflammation and the symptoms of varicose veins. It also helps break up harmful toxins in the blood vessels and improve circulation.
  • Vinegar also increase the tone and elasticity of capillary walls. This makes capillary walls more resistant to hemorrhages, ruptures and infection.


BANDAGE:  Get a cheesecloth or medical and soak it in apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. Tie the bandage around your thighs or lower legs or wherever you have varicose veins. Leave the bandage on for half an hour. Remove the bandage, and wash your legs. Repeat this everyday.

TOPICAL APPLICATION: Take some vinegar in a bowl and use it to massage your skin that has varicose veins until it gets dry. Do this every time after you have a bath.