Deep clean pores – Simple Clean Up at home

Your skin needs that special treatment once a week and a simple face clean up is very essential to keep your skin clean, clear and glowing.

Deep clean pores

Here are few tips you can follow to give your skin a perfect clean up at home.

* Clean: Start by removing the makeup with a good cleanser or face wash.
Honey cleanser
Olive oil Cleanser

Exfoliate: Rub a face scrub all over the face with gentle circular motions, you can also use a tooth brush to exfoliate the face as well as your lips.
Tooth brush scrub
Lemon Scrub

* Steam: Steaming helps to open the pores, gets rid of dirt and oils from the face.
Wash Cloth Steam
Bowl Steam

* Mask: Take yogurt in a bowl and apply it all over your face, leave it on for 15 mins and rinse off with warm water. Follow up with a good moisturiser, smooth a thick moisturiser all over your face and neck and massage it into your skin.
Carrot Facial
Mint Facial
Oatmeal Face Pack