Detoxing our bodies is a regular for us in order to get rid of internal toxins. Think of it – have we ever done a detox of our fancy homes and villas where we live? Our houses do have a couple of products that are found to have negative health effects on our nervous and immune systems. Here are a couple of practical tips that will help you detox our home simply and efficiently.

QUICK TIPS TO DETOX YOUR HOME NATURALLYPlace Doormats at the entry door of your home. This will help keep dirt and residue of your shoes outside your home and not infect the interiors.

Open the windows and doors as much as possible to allow air ventilation. Keeping green plants or bowls will drive away the negative energies and fill the space with pleasant fragrance. A portable air purifier can also be used in bedrooms to kill stinking bacteria.

Use Plastics wisely. Avoid wrapping food in plastic and microwaving food in plastic containers since plastic has harsh and dangerous set of chemicals that can prove to be cancerous.

Use Fabric Softener sheets to shine chrome-plated fixtures in your bathroom and kitchen. Better still, utilise the pulp of a lemon by rubbing it on your kitchen fixtures.

To get spic and span glass shower doors, rub them with a damp sponge soaked in white vinegar.

Kitchen is the heart of every home and calls for utmost cleanliness. Get shining stainless steel sinks or appliances by rubbing a small amount of flour on it.

For a fresh smelling refrigerator, dampen a cotton ball with vanilla flavouring and place in the back corner of your fridge. This helps soak up the smell in a fridge.

Beware of toxins in carpets, especially in products that are made from synthetic materials.Use natural fiber wool and cotton rugs instead.

Keeping house dust-free is a challenge. Mop all surfaces more frequently especially in summers. Use a reliable vacuum cleaner for your carpets. HEPA-filter vacuums have the ability to capture the widest range of particles in carpets and get rid of allergens.

Fighting dark stains is easy. Scrub your sink with a Borax and lemon juice past to make it look clean and shining. Lighter stains can be removed by just rubbing with a piece of cut lemon.

Removing mold and mildew from your bathroom tiles does not need rocket science. All you need to do is pour hydrogen peroxide on the tiles. It will soften the dirt instantly so that you can remove it and wipe it off with a cloth.

For drains clogged with grease, pour one cup of salt and one cup of baking soda into the drain followed by a glass of boiling water. The grease will vanish off.

Sharpen scissors: Take your dull scissors and cut through three layers of tin foil about 10 to 12 times. Follow this by cutting some paper to test the sharpness.

Making your house look its best from clogged drains, wall stains etc. isn’t as tough as it seems with these home remedies.