Pre Poo Treatments – soft, shiny hair

Pre pooing means to apply oil to your hair before shampooing to help treat damaged hair, restore moisture to add shine and softness to your hair.


soft, shiny hair

Benefits of pre-poo treatments:
Adds moisture to your hair and scalp.
Prevents and treats split ends
Helps to detangle
Treats dry hair.
Gets rid of dry, itchy scalp

Popular Oils:
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Castor oil
Almond Oil

To Use:
Section off the hair and apply the oil into the roots. Gently massage using circular motion with your finger tips. Place a plastic shower cap over the hair for 30 min. Shampoo hair as usual. for soft, shiny hair.

* Use extra virgin or pure oil
* Slightly warm the oil before applying.
* Chose a good oil or create a mix of all your favorite oils.
* Use a drop or two of essential oil for extra nourishment.