HOW TO WASH CAR AT HOMEWashing car at home? Yes it is possible. Don’t just settle down hosting your vehicles on runways, car washing season is here. We have got few expert advices to guide through how to wash at home like a pro. This is absolutely possible if taken at most care and washed properly. Simply running with your car is not fair, you need to love it the way you love others. Washing car at home is an easy task and we guide you through the way.

Start scrubbing your car carpets: So before you start cleaning your dirty car, you need to scrub the car carpet with a brush. I would say choose a hard brush which can help to remove the dirt, tits and bits accumulated between the fine lines of the carpet. You can also use a conditioner or shampoo to clean the car carpets thoroughly. Let them dry till to start cleaning the car.

Dust clean: If you have portable compressor it is the best way to remove dust from machine and air conditioners. Air conditioners should be cleaned thoroughly after every few month so that it functions properly. You should force in high pressure so that the dirt stuck on the rods and the little bits of duct accumulated in the corners are pumped out. You can also dust it with a cloth.

Tire cleaners: Use non-acid based tire cleaners to clean dirty tires. A non-acid base cleaner helps to dust out the dirt off the tire and also clean the residue over tires. Acid based tire cleaners are harsh over tires and are harmful to them. Over use of acid base can damage the tires and make it rugged.

Use a soft sponge: Use a soft sponge to clean car. Hand wash is the best wash for car. Hand washing gives you a chance of experiencing of scrubbing the car surface nicely and you get the chance of cleaning the surface like a pro with the best surf you have at home

Use of paint cleaners: Paint clears helps to remove the wax over the car surface. Scrubbing your car surface helps to remove the shit of birds and wax accumulated on the car surface. A cleaner also helps to remove the scratches over the car surface and gives them a shine too.

Polishing the car: The first thing to keep in mind for polishing the car is having an oscillating machine. The purpose of polishing the car is to get the surface clean, bright and shinning. The purpose of oscillating machine is it helps to rotate freely over the surface and also keeps the pain in face. There is no harm in using an oscillating machine on the car surface.

Clean the glass: Always clean the glass last and find a solution without ammonia. This helps to keep mirror stain free and shining too. Ammonia is not good for glasses and it makes it stink too. The best way to make you glass look clean and fresh is wipe them with a newspaper once in a week.

Have a happy car washing!