Vegetables are something we need every day, and stocking it up is essential. We do stock up on groceries but most of it gets spoiled due to improper storage. Storing groceries is the main concern among people since improper storage can lead them to rot or your fruits and veggies would have a shorter life. It is important to store the fruits and vegetables properly in order to keep them fresh for longer. Here is a complete guide for storing the usual veggies we need or use the most:


Have you ever tossed your beets in the fridge only to find it rotten after few days? That is because they were not ripened yet. It is necessary to keep the beets on countertops before you put them in the fridge. When they ripe, put them in a storage bag and store on the refrigerator shelf for 2 weeks.

Length of storage time: 2 weeks


To store asparagus, wrap the in a damp paper towel and put it inside a plastic zip lock bag. Put it on the refrigerator shelf and it will last for 3-4 days. Also, don’t forget to trim the ends before wrapping the spheres in damp paper towel.

Length of storage time: 3-4 days


Cabbage when not stored properly get soggy and soft and the leaves may turn brown. Simply wrap it in a plastic zip lock bag and put it in the refrigerator drawer for 2 weeks.

Length of storage time: 2 weeks


Carrots if not stored properly may turn soft very soon and is not pleasant to eat. Carrots are easy to store- Simply wrap them in a plastic zip lock bag or storage bag and put it  in the refrigerator drawer for 3 weeks.

Length of storage time: 3 weeks


Cucumbers when stored properly remain crisp, crunchy and juicy for longer. Simply wrap them in a plastic zip lock bag and put it in the refrigerator drawer for a week.

Length of storage time: 1 week


Leafy vegetables need to be stored with care or they rot if remain in contain with water or moisture and can also develop insects. Always clean them before you store to remove any insects or already spoiled leaves. Wrap them dry in a dry paper towel and put it in a plastic zip lock storage bag. This way, they should remain edible for about a week.

Length of storage time: 1 week

MOREHOW TO STORE FRUITS to Keep them Fresher for Longer


Ginger is something we always need in most of the salads or cooked veggies we make; hence you will find it pre-cut in most of the homes. For whole ginger, keep it unwrapped in the refrigerator shelf for 1 month. For sliced ginger, wrap it in dry paper towel in plastic bag and keep it in the refrigerator shelf for -2 weeks.

Length of storage time: Whole ginger- 1 month, sliced ginger- 1-2 weeks


Lettuce contains highest water content so it needs to be stored dry. Wrap it in a dry paper towel and put it in a plastic zip lock bag. Toss it in the refrigerator drawer for 5 days.

Length of storage time: 5 days


To store celery for longer, wrap it in an aluminium foil and put it in the refrigerator drawer. This w3ay, it should remain fresh and edible for 2 weeks.

Length of storage time: 2 weeks


Keep potatoes away from the refrigerator! Store it in a dark pantry wrapped in a dry paper bag. This will keep the potatoes fresh and prevent sprouting too.

Length of storage time: 1-2 months