How to lose weight with yoga

Yoga, I agree, is a gentle form of exercise that involves lots of stretching and twisting. The poses are held while synchronizing with the breathing pattern. People do look towards power yoga as a mode of weight loss, but there are some simple yoga poses – the Hatha ones – that does give you a sculpted body. It can seriously tone and trim your body, say researchers. So, don’t be fooled by its gentle approach.

A 60 minute yoga schedule can burn anywhere between 200 and 540 calories, depending on the type and intensity of the session you are attending. Yoga is a harmonious practice of asanas, meditation, and breathing techniques. It is a blend of physical, psychological, and mental functioning that arouses your focus and concentration levels. Your mind is set to work in the deepest of the ways you have never seen before.

How to lose weight with yogaWhile the various breathing techniques teach you to breathe right, detoxify you, and energizes you from within, meditation technique teaches you to slow down. The asanas align your body, allowing it to open up, stretch and twist, thereby offering triggering off better supply of blood to all the regions.

The better the supply of blood is, the better your digestive levels will be. Your metabolism levels also get a boost with this and the right breathing. This, in turn, will promote burning of fat. And, the result – you will become slimmer, trimmed, and toned.

Yoga also helps in teaching you how to love your body, a vital ingredient that is essential for you to attain the body of your dreams. It also teaches you to let go off the affinity towards food, thus helping you prevent overeating. You will be able to differentiate between the true and false hunger pangs. Your choices naturally turn healthier, boosting your weight loss.

There are numerous yoga poses and breathing techniques that you could actually practice, but if you want to kick off a quick start, then Surya Namaskar A, Ashtanga Style would be the best choice. Here is how you can do Surya Namaskar:

Surya Namaskar Ashtanga Style Type A

  1. Stand straight on the yoga mat, feet slightly separated, hands resting along either sides on the body, palms facing forward. Keep your spine, neck, and head erect. [Sama Sthithi]
  2. Inhale and sweep your hands over the head and join your palms in Namaste. Tilt your head back and take a gentle backbend. [Hasta Uttana]
  3. Exhale and bend forward. Keep your knees softly bend for the initial few rounds till you warm up. Bring your hands along with you till you can place your palm flat on the floor. [Uttanasana]
  4. Inhale and move your right leg back and come on your fingertips. Keep your chest and abdomen off the thighs and look up to gaze forward. [Ashwasanchalana]
  5. Exhale and move your left leg and place your palms flat on the floor, fingers spread out. Adjust your body in such a way that your palms, wrist, and shoulders are in one line. Look towards the floor. [Dandasana]
  6. Hold your breath and rest your knees, chest, and chin on the floor, toes ticked in, and elbows off the ground while palms placed in line with the chest. [Ashtanga Namaskara]
  7. Inhale and push your torso, softly, yet firmly forward, while legs are stretched out behind, toes extended and balance yourself on the abdomen. Keep the elbows bent. [Bhujangasana]
  8. Exhale, tuck your toes, and push your torso off the ground. Keep lifting your hips to the ceiling, while pushing the foot towards the floor. [Adho Mukha Svanasana]
  9. Inhale, lift your right leg, and place the right foot in between the palms and come to Ashwasanchalana.
  10. Exhale and place your left foot in line with the right foot, without dragging or making any sound. This will be Uttanasana.
  11. Inhale and lift your torso up, while bending backward and allowing the hands to be aligned with the ears, over your head. [Hasta Uttana]
  12. Exhale, release your hands, and come to the starting pose. [Sama Sthithi]

Repeat the same with the other side. One round compromises of two repetitions, one for the right and one for the left. Do 15 such rounds.

This will be a great way to introduce yourself and your body to yoga for weight loss. Start practicing yoga today and enjoy a great body, soul, and mind.