Make Your Nails Grow Super Fast

When it comes to physical health, nails are often neglected. Some girls fail to achieve a polished and healthy look due to lack of maintenance, using nails as tools and weak or brittle nails that tend to peel. Unhealthy nails have stunted growth and can make them look short and unattractive! Also, frequent peeling of nails and breakage can stop them from getting long. Below is a natural nail growth oil that can be used to either soak your nails or use it as a nail overnight treatment:

Make Your Nails Grow Super Fast


The oil penetrates deep into the skin and nails and thus helps nourish your nails.

Makes nails, cuticles and nail beds stronger and healthy thus preventing nail breakage or peeling.

Coconut oil adds a boost of moisture that prevents your nails from breaking and heals cuticles.

Rosemary oil is very effective in boosting nail growth and works amazing in combination with lemon and coconut oil.

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Things you need-

  • ½ cup olive oil
  •  5 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 10 drops of rosemary essential oil


Make Your Nails Grow Super Fast

In a bowl, add ½ cup of warm olive oil. Add in lemon essential oil.

Now, add in 10 drops of rosemary essential oil and mix it all well.

Store the oil in a bottle and use accordingly.

Make Your Nails Grow Super Fast

To use-

Nail soak: Add all the ingredients and pour in a bowl. Make sure the oil is a bit warm and soak in your fingertips for 15 minutes every day.

Overnight treatment: Apply the oil on your nails and wear gloves before bedtime.