Chamomile has been used in traditional medicine for many centuries by healers of different cultures including the Egyptians and the Greeks. Chamomile tea is golden in colour and has a delectable, fruity flavour. This scrumptious herbal remedy provides solution to several heath related concerns such as intestinal & stomach disorders, anxiety, insomnia, mouth ulcers and so on. Furthermore, it has countless beauty benefits too.

CHAMOMILE TEA BENEFITS AND USES FOR SKIN AND HAIRIn this post, you’ll get to know how chamomile tea can be used for skin and hair. but before heading on to chamomile tea uses, let us first know how to make chamomile tea:

Here’s how to make chamomile tea: Add the teabag or loose-leaf tea to your favourite cup or mug. Add hot water to the mug and let it steep for 5-10 minutes. Remove the teabag or loose tea leaves. You could add a sweetener of your choice for drinking purpose; but as you are making this tea for beauty/remedy purpose, it would be best to not add any sweetener!



The herbal tea act as excellent natural skin bleach. It lightens your complexion and gives a healthy glow naturally. It tightens your pores, soften your skin and when used consistently over two to three week period, will fade spots and acne scars.

Here’s how to use this: Boil three tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers with 1 cup of water for about 8-10 minutes. After straining the mixture, add one tablespoon of honey and rose water to the mixture. Now apply on face and neck area and keep for about 15 minutes and later rinse thoroughly with fresh water.


Another very important advantage of chamomile tea is that its tea bags can be used to treat dark circles under eyes. Chamomile helps to lighten the dark circles under eyes and give relief from eye puffiness.

Here’s how to use this: Dip chamomile tea bag for 5 minutes and then cool it for some time before keeping under eyes so that it can be tolerable by your eyes. Keep for 5 minutes and then wash eyes thoroughly with fresh water.


This helps to remove the entire dead and dry skin cell giving a beautiful glow on the skin. And as once applied on skin it leaves skin with soothing feeling.

Here’s how to use this: When mixed and blended with milk, chamomile tea provides a very good body and facial scrub. In another method, the contents of tea bag can be mixed with sugar and olive oil to make good scrub. Apply this scrub gently on face and massage it. Rinse your skin with cold water and pat dry.


This magic potion is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help you fight acne and breakouts. While drinking chamomile tea helps control acne formation, applying it topically works great in healing acne and pimples.  It also works wonders to eliminate acne scars.

Here’s how to use this:  Saturate a clean washcloth in organic tea, wring it out slightly, and apply the compress to the affected area, allowing it to stay in contact with the skin for 15 minutes.



Chamomile tea hair rinse will help fight dandruff, sooth scalp irritation and nourish your hair, but it can also add beautiful shine and golden glow to otherwise dull looking locks.

Here’s how to use this: Chamomile tea can be applied on your hair as a final hair rinse (make sure that the tea isn’t hot, wait for it to cool down before applying to your hair, the temperature should be comfortable to touch) or it can be added to various hair masks and homemade hair treatments.


Chamomile tea is a wonderful hair lightener. If combined with henna, it makes natural highlights for dark hair as well!

Here’s how to use this: stuck a big bowl of water with three tea bags in the microwave to heat it up. Then let your tea cool for a few hours. Wash your hair with shampoo or baking soda or whatever you want to use. Just make sure you get it nice and clean. Don’t condition! The chamomile will do this for you. pour the chamomile mixture on hair in the shower with a cup and repeat for a few minutes. Let it sit and don’t wash off. Keep it overnight and wash it the next morning.


Chamomile tea can make your hair shiny and soft. With regular usage, it can definitely add a subtle sheen to it and make your hair look very healthy.

Here’s how to use this: brew chamomile tea and add some yoghurt to it. Apply it on hair and let it sit for 2 hours. shampoo as usual.