Calcium rich foods help support the healthy growth of teeth and bones and it also plays a part in overall body weight, with anti-cancer and heart health benefits as well. Though milk and milk products are the highest in calcium, not all can consume it due to lactose intolerance. Well, you need not just rely on dairy products for calcium; there are many other easily available sources too!


  1. ALMONDS: (264mg calcium a small handful)

The impressive feature of almonds is that they’re often regarded as being healthy, but seldom get referenced for their calcium content. Almonds contain plenty of fibre as well as healthy fats and calcium, which is why they’re so good at helping to make a meal satisfying. A handful of almonds makes a great snack, and also provides you with protein and fibre, a big reason why it does such a good job of curbing your appetite until your next meal.

  1. TOFU: (350mg calcium per 1 cup)

A 100 gram serving of tofu gives you more than a third of the calcium you need for the day! Tofu is also a good source of non-animal protein, and has a similar texture to meat which makes it a great meat replacement in hundreds of popular dishes. It also contains a generous amount of iron, so you’re getting multiple benefits from eating it.

  1. CHIA SEEDS: (177mg of calcium per 2 tablespoons)

Chia seeds are not the direct sources of calcium, but they help body absorb it from other sources. So, if you want to supply your body with calcium, you need to incorporate chia seeds into your diet to actually let the calcium benefit you. Chia seeds contain magnesium and boron- trace minerals that aid in the body’s absorption of calcium.

  1. HEMP MILK: (428mg of calcium per one cup)

Hemp milk is a great alternative to dairy milk as it does not contain lactose and added fats. It is a great source of calcium and can used just as you use milk. Apart from calcium, it also provides omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D (helps convert sunlight to calcium) and E.

  1. BEANS: (approx. 191mg per cup)

Beans are a great source of calcium, especially navy beans, black beans, white beans and pinto beans. Have them regularly as a daily dose of calcium, especially if you suffer from weak and brittle bones and teeth. Put them in your soups, salads, sandwiches, smoothies (yes, smoothies too), pastas, chicken gravy etc.


  1. FIGS: (20mg per fig!)

I am not a big fan of this fruit since it really hate its smell. It is sweet indeed but the smell is a big turnoff for me. My mom always forces me to eat it since it is rich in calcium and is great for your kids since they are in their bone developmental stage and calcium sources are important. A single fig contains 20mg of calcium which is great. Eating 5-6 figs at a time is usually recommended.

  1. COLLARD GREENS: (268mg per cup)

This southern favourite veggie is loaded with calcium and contains 268mg calcium per cooked cup! Not only is it rich in  calcium but also rich in vitamin A. regularly eating this veggie keeps your bones and teeth stronger and also keeps you vision in top condition.

  1. KALE: (101mg per cup)

Kale is one popular health ingredient that is used in smoothies, salads, curries etc. It is rich in calcium and contains a good amount of 101mg of calcium per cup of chopped and raw kale.

  1. SARDINES: (351mg per 3 ounce)

Sardines are salty little fishes that add a nice flavour to your salads and pastas. They are rich in calcium and serve up to 351 mg of the much needed nutrient along with vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Add these fishes in your salads, curries, rice etc. or just have them cooked or fried as a starter.

  1. SALMON: (475mg per can)

Salmon is the healthiest fish of all. Not only is it rich in omega 3 fatty acids, but also is rich in calcium. 1 full can of salmon provides you with 75% of your daily calcium requirements as well as belly flattening protein.