BEST REMEDIES TO GET RID OF FRECKLESAcne is really annoying and freckles can be more annoying than them as they don’t fade away soon. Freckles are individual spotting on your skin or there can be even brown spots on your face. Most often Freckles are visible on people with a fair complexion and they get serious during summers due to heat. If Treating freckles are your summer concern, you don’t need to worry; I got some home-made tips for you.

Lemon juice: Apply lemon juice directly on the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes. Let them dry and then wash your face off with cold water. Repeat this procedure every day and you may see freckles getting lighter.

Oatmeal and buttermilk: Mix oatmeal with buttermilk and make a paste. Apply this paste for 20 minutes and wash it off.

Papaya skin: Take a papaya, and remove its seed and pulp. Rub the skin of papaya all over your face. Keep doing this for 30 minutes and wash it off with Luke warm water. Papaya helps in moisturising skin and treating the spots.

Sesame seeds and turmeric: Mix sesame seeds and turmeric in equal proportion and make this a thick paste. Apply the paste all over your face or just on the freckled area. Leave it for 15 minutes and feel the change. For better results you can use this pack twice a day.

Strawberries and kiwi: Mash up strawberries and a kiwi in a bowl. Rub the mixture over your face, on the areas where you have the most freckles. Let the mixture dry completely, this should take about 20 minutes. Peel the fruit mixture away and rinse your skin with cool water.

Almond Oil: You need to use heated sweet almond oil. Take some sweet oil in steel and place the container with larger bowl filled with some hot water. Take care about the heat, it should not be overheated. Take some oil on your finger tips and massage your skin for about 10-15 minutes Repeat this 2-3 times in a week

Aloe Vera: Take few Aloe Vera, and extract its juice. Store it in a bottle and keep it cool. You may apply this juice on your freckles as you return home. This will keep your skin cool and doesn’t allow freckles to increase


  1. Use sunscreen before stepping out from home.
  2. Carry an umbrella or hat to keep your face away from sun’s heat
  3. Make sure you have plenty of citrus fruits like kiwis, spinach, and other leafy greens are all excellent sources of vitamin C and they can help to reduce the freckles on your face.
  4. If you are using a scarf to cover your face, make sure it is pure cotton.


  1. Avoid stepping out when sun is strong.
  2. Don’t allow yourself to dehydrate. Drink water continuously
  3. Avoid laborious work, which may accumulate sweat around your face.