Best Blissful Bath Recipes to cleanse, relax, and rejuvenate

Bathing is the best way to refresh oneself. What better way than lying in a pool of lukewarm water, inhaling the rich aromas and benefiting from the essential oils? Bathing regularly not only protects you from harmful germs and bacteria but also increases your blood circulation. It relaxes your mind and rejuvenates your cells. Try these bath recipes to have a wonderful shower:

Best Blissful Bath Recipes to cleanse, relax, and rejuvenateEpsom Salt Bath:

If you have some sore spots in your body who aren’t departing easily, try the epsom salt recipe. They are the best energy boosters as they increase the magnesium levels in the body. Take 2 teaspoons of sea salt and 1 teaspoon of epsom salt in a bowl. Add 2 teaspoon of baking powder to it, do ensure that it is free from aluminium. Now fill the bathtub with hot water. The temperature should be bearable or else it might burn your skin. Add all these ingredients to the water and stir well. Add few drops of essential oil to it and add 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar to it. Let the ingredients be dissolved in the water. Soak yourself for half an hour and just relax. Rinse thoroughly.

Mint Recipe:

It is simply soothing in nature. This recipe will help you to deal with anxiety and depression which we face in our regular lives. It will also moisturize your skin and can cure skin ailments as well. Take 4 tablespoons of chamomile tea and quarter cup of mint leaves in a container. You can also use the tea bags in case you do not want the loose ones. Add these ingredients in the bath tub. Ensure the water is hot and bearable. Sink yourself in the tub once the ingredients dissolves in the water. Enjoy the bliss!

Cocoa Bath:

Wow, it also symbolizes the chocolate bath. The cocoa powder are antioxidants in nature and can deal with the free radicals that damages your skin. Eating chocolates increases the serotonin in the body which are the happiness hormones. Add 6 teaspoons of cocoa powder to your bath tub. Add 3 spoons of ground oats to it. Let the ingredients dissolve in the water. Surrender yourself to this recipe and be there for next 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and see the change.

Rose Water bath:

Roses are just not beautiful to sell, but also have multiple benefits to the skin. This recipe will remove the dead cells from your both and leaving you full of aroma. Take 1 cup of whole milk, 1 cup honey and few drops of rose oil. Let your bath tub be ready with hot and bearable water. Pour all the ingredients to it. Honey will moisturize your skin whereas whole milk with tone and tighten your skin pores. Be in the bathtub for next 30 minutes and experience the bliss.

Eucalyptus and Vanilla Bath:

Haven’t heard of it? Try out this recipe to clear all your wounds and balance your hormones. Eucalyptus is a germicide and can deal with wounds whereas vanilla will help to produce serotonin and endorphins, the happiness hormones. Take a quarter cup of baking powder, half cup of epsom salt,  few drops of vanilla oil and few drops of pure Eucalyptus oil. Add these ingredients in the bath tub. Fill the bathtub with hot water and let them dissolve completely in the water. Soak yourself for next 30 minutes and relax yourself in this ingredient. Rinse thoroughly and feel refreshing.

Happy Bathing!  Do share your before and after experience with us.