Beauty with Oil – Ways to use oil in your beauty routine

Find out different ways to incorporate oils in your beauty routine for  beautiful skin and hair:

Ways to use oil in your beauty routine

1. Face Cleanser: Use a drop or two of coconut oil and gentle massage it on your face for few mins  or use it in your face wash or cleaner to keep your skin moisturized.
Glowing skin

2. Hair Conditioner: Deep Condition for a healthy hair with a hot oil deep conditioning treatment. Warm coconut oil in a bowl and massage it into the roots of your hair, leave it on for 30mins and rinse off.
Oil conditioner

3. Body Oil: You can use coconut oil as a body oil to keep your skin warm and moisturized in winter. They also contain natural sunscreen to keep your skin protected.
Glossy Skin

4. Soft Feet: Rub warm oil under your feet before going to bed, use a sock to cover the feet and sleep on it for a baby soft feet.
Baby soft feet

5. Detox skin: Once a week detox your skin the Ayurveda way by using oil to massage the entire body for a healthy, beautiful skin.
Radiant skin

6. Lip Care: use sweet almond oil or olive oil over your lips as a overnight treatment to wake p to soft, smooth lips.
Lip care

7. Dark Circles: Massage a drop or two of almond oil around the eyes to treat fine line and dark circles naturally.
Eye oil

8. Makeup Remover: use coconut oil or olive oil to naturally remove stubborn makeup or mascara.
Oil makeup remover

9. Moisturizer: For dry skin add a drop of coconut or almond oil in your moisturizer or body lotion to keep your skin hydrated all day long.
Oil moisturiser

10. Oil Pulling: Rinse your mouth with oil for healthy gums and whiter teeth.
Oil Mouth Wash