Ayurveda Therapy – Beauty Benefits of oil pulling

Oil pulling is a simple process in which a tsp of oil is used to gargle your mouth and then the oil is  swished out without swallowing, on an empty stomach early in the morning to detox and cleanse the body. It is a safe and gentle way to rid your mouth of harmful toxins and bacteria.

Ayurveda Therapy - Beauty Benefits of oil pulling

Beauty Benefits of oil pulling
Oil pulling has lots and lots of heath as well as beauty benefits. The 5 best beauty benefits to oil pulling are as follows:

  • Whiter teeth: Coconut oil possesses natural properties that help to brighten dull or stained  teeth.
  • Prevention for bad breath
  • Clears up acne:  detoxifies the body which can reduce the appearance of rashes, blemishes and acne.
  • Healthy, glowing complexion: Oil Pulling pulls out bacteria from your body thus making your skin healthier and give you a natural glow.
  • Prevents dryness of lips.

The right oil:
Use 10ml of the cold pressed or organic oils like sesame oil, coconut oil or sunflower oil.

NEXT: How to do oil pulling>>

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