AYURVEDA MASK for younger-looking skin

Premature ageing is widely prevalent these days. Thanks to the intense levels of stress and anxiety we all face together with the non-stop indulgence in calorie laden delight coupled with lack of exercise and excessive exposure to environmental pollution, we all are prone to have ageing signs earlier. Some of the premature ageing signs include wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, and puffiness beneath the eyes, crow’s feet, and premature graying of hair.

AYURVEDA MASK for younger-looking skin

No wonder the anti-aging products are on the rise, with more and more people looking towards natural solutions. Ayurveda offers you a comprehensive set of procedures, which if followed the right way will help you look younger…. Want to know what those ancient secrets are? Read on…

  1. The Diet Factor: Enjoy a healthy diet that is perfectly balanced. Here are few tips that would come handy:
  1. Load up with fibers and antioxidants.
  2. Make sure you have all the six tastes [ sweet, salt, pungent, bitter, sour, and astringent] included in your diet.
  3. Curb indulging in deep fried delicacies, spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and cold drinks. Cut down on the intake of aerated drinks.
  4. Let your plate be vibrantly filled, with more space occupied by fruits and raw veggies.

Some of the fruits and nuts that you can include in your diet to look younger include: Oranges, Strawberries, Apples, Watermelons, Pomegranate, Banana, Dates, Walnuts, Almonds and Papaya

Along with this, undergo a detoxification process at home once a month to eliminate all toxins and cleanse up. You can go on a complete liquid diet for three days and slowly resume your healthy diet.

  1. The Exercise – Yoga: Yoga shares a very close relationship with Ayurveda which is why the Ayurvedic practitioners always advise you to include this form of exercise in your daily routine. Couple it with a 45 minute walk daily.

Yoga helps in detoxification, toning yourself, and improve your circulation levels, thereby ensuring that you look younger. Pranayama, the various types, help in cleansing you internally while allowing better absorption of oxygen. This, on the other hand, enables better absorption of essential nutrients and improved levels of circulation. The result will be a younger, glowing you.

III. Sleep: You ought to catch up with 7 hours of sleep to ensure that your body as well as mind is completely relaxed. A good sleep is essential for your body to revive, rejuvenate, and regain its vitality.

  1. Ayurvedic Massages: Massages, as per Ayurveda, is a way to ensure that your body is free of toxins. Massages also help in improving the suppleness and elasticity of the skin, ensuring that premature ageing is prevented. Read More here on how to give yourself an ayurvedic massage >>

Opt for Ayurvedic therapies such as Sirodhara and Abhyanga once in a month. You can even try therapies such as Soundaryavardhini for glowing skin.

Along with these, you can always include a certain set of Ayurvedic anti-aging herbs in your daily routine to help you look younger. What are your thoughts? Share with us….