Tote bags are usually the oversized bags and these are very much in fashion now. Today I will share with you all types of tote bags suited in all budgets. Tote bags normally have flat handles which makes them easy to carry on your shoulder. Handles and the lower base of the bags may be sometime made of lather but nevertheless to say then the price of those tote bags hike like crazy. But maximum are made up of artificial lather or faux lather.
Tote bags have the ability to contain so many necessary things in them as they come with bigger size with better capacity. They are also strong enough to carry some heavy things like college note books, water bottles etc. So tote bags are now very popular among college going fashionistas too.
Jute tote bags– I think tote bags made of jute are the most popular tote bags among teenagers and college going girls. They are quite strong and durable. No fear to break the handles on the way and pocket friendly too. Yes! Jute tote bags are very budget friendly and one can buy in various designs or various colors to match with dresses if she wants. They are also environment friendly as jute is biodegradable. So after use, this is also not going to harm environment.
Silk or cotton tote bags- Some of the tote bags are made up of silk material or cotton fabric. They come with so many colors and print like floral, geometrical, cartoon characters or some message written on them. So there are choices to choose one according to one’s like. They look gorgeous and they are reasonably priced too. Sometimes silk or cotton tote bags are come with beaded handles. These add that glam factor to your fashion sense. But somehow silk tote bags are not so strong to carry some heavy stuffs as they are more delicate. But one can easily carry them for a outing or branch.
Tote bags with canvas prints and madhubani prints– Tote bags also comes with mythological prints. The material may be jute, cotton or others, but some brand makes tote bags with mythological story or characters like lord Krishna and radha, other ancient paintings. Madhubani print is now very popular and in trends. So some tote bags also come with madhubani printing. They are priced greater than normal tote bags but definitely worth trying.
Synthetic lather tote bags- Tote bags are also made of synthetic lathers or foams. But foam bags are less durable and don’t have the capacity to carry heavy items. But they are available in different shades and different price ranges. But I would suggest buying a good one to avoid any breakage or other damages. Handles are generally stitched from the upper rim of the pouch in case of tote bags. So one should be careful about it. Don’t load your tote with so many heavy items as it may cause breakage of your tote bag in middle of your way!
Larger tote bags– Now comes the hero of the bags! Larger. We are all fascinated about lather. But they are expensive. They need to be taken care to avoid darkening of the lather or damaging from damps. You should keep them in a dry place too. So if lather tote bags fit your pocket, you can easily buy one. But they are definitely expensive but also classic.
Last but not the least, tote bags go very well with formal trouser and shirt or neat salwar suits. But carry accessories which are easily and effortlessly could be carried by you. Tote bags are also ideal for offices as all are not funky and some tote bags come with really stylish yet sophisticated designs. Also there are tote bags available in every budget. Just pick one which suits your pocket and choice. I can tell you that you won’t regret.