Climate, stress and genetic inheritance are the major causes of acne. Products containing retinoid or retinol are said to prevent and cure acne though it is always recommended and warned to not use it for a long time. Retinoid is nothing but a derivative of vitamin A. They do have a lot of side effects, but most of them are not true! There are some really big rumours regarding retinoid which needs to be busted.


MYTH NO.1- RETINOIDS WORK BY EXFOLIATING YOUR SKIN: I too actually believed this when I used retinoid. But yes, this is a myth! Honestly, we all thought that retinoid swept away dead skin cells because of the peeling that we usually witness after using retinoid. Peeling of the skin is actually a side effect of using these creams and not their actual mode of action. Retinoids work at much more profound level by affecting gene expression and causing enhanced collagen production, skin smoothing and evening out of pigmentation.

MYTH NO.2- RETINOIDS CAUSE SUNBURN: This is so not true! Retinoids cause skin peeling which only results in a burning sensation in sun and sunburn has got nothing to do with using retinoids. It is true that retinoids breakdown in sunlight and hence they are packed in dark bottles or it is often instructed to keep it away from sunlight. Sunlight can only reduce the effects of retinoids and that’s it, it causes no sunburn.

MYTH NO.3- RETINOIDS SHOULD BE APPLIED ONLY ON DRY SKIN: Some doctors too recommend not using retinoid on damp skin. Even on the box of some retinoid creams, it is mentioned to pat dry the face properly before applying the cream. But, there is no clinical evidence about retinoids causing any problem on wet or damp skin. Neither does water inactivates the retinoid nor does it increase its activity.

MYTH NO.4- YOU WILL NEED TO WAIT FOR 4-6 WEEKS FOR THE RETINOID TO WORK: Generally there is no specific time for retinoid to work. It all depends upon the strength of retinoid in the cream or carrier and it certainly varies from person to person. Some may see the results after 2-3 weeks or some may require even months or years! I used it for more than a year to actually see great results, after which I stopped using it.

MYTH NO.5- YOU SHOULS STOP USING RETINOIDS IF YOUR SKIN FEELS IRRITATED AND FLAKY: With using retinoids, along comes its side effects. Like I already told, retinoids cause skin peeling exposing the sensitive inner new skin which may feel irritated. This is the way retinoid works and if you stop using retinoid, you actually put a stop on the working mechanism of retinoid.

MYTH NO.6- DO NOT CARRY RETINOID WITH YOU FOR VACATIONS OR OUTINGS: Retinoids do not degenerate or change their chemical properties when they are exposed to different climates. Neither do they change their mechanisms nor their effectiveness. Retinoids and skin get adapted to each other if used for a prolonged period of time and no climatic change will disrupt the effectivess.

MYTH NO.7- DO NOT APPLY RETINOIDS AROUND YOUR EYES: People say this because it is generally told not to apply anything around and under the eyes as the skin there is quite sensitive. But this is not the case with retinoids. You really should apply this around your eyes as that is where most of the damage shows up. Studies have shown that people who apply retinoids right up to the eyes get the best results. If it accidently gets in your eye, it won’t cause any harm just mild stinging for some time.

MYTH NO.8- RETINOIDS CAUSE INFERTILITY: This is the biggest myth I have ever heard about retinoids! The only side effects cause by retinoids is skin peeling and irritation. Though it is not recommended for lactating and pregnant women as it may be transferred to the baby through breast milk and placenta respectively. Apart from this, retinoids has no other side effects.

Having busted the myths, I am sure people who gave up using retinoids might think on their decision again! Say goodbye to acne without any second thought J till then go be beautiful :*