You might have experienced nausea at some or the other point of time. It leaves you sweaty and dizzy with your body temperature elevating in an unexpected way. The tendency for vomiting leaves you feeling queasy.

6 EFFECTIVE NATURAL REMEDIES FOR NAUSEANausea is a symptom of various underlying conditions, including indigestion, upset tummy, migraine, pregnancy, food poisoning, sun strokes, acid reflux, gastritis, or even a side effect of chemotherapy or other medications.
While it is not a serious condition, inadequate care could leave you tired, fatigued, and drained. Whatever be the underlying cause, you can now use one or more of these home remedies mentioned below to put your nauseating feeling to rest and feel relaxed. Here are 5 effective natural ways to combat nausea…

Fabulous Natural Remedies For Nausea


Accept it or not, ginger works very efficiently when it comes to nausea. Just sip a cup of freshly prepared ginger tea, flavored subtly with lemon and honey. Alternatively, you can suck on those tiny little ginger candies that you can pick from a nearby grocery store.

There is yet another tasty way of handling your nausea triggered by gastritis or upset tummy. Wash and remove the peel of a 2 inch ginger piece. Finely grate it and add to a small mixing cup. Add the juice of 1 lemon and about 1 tbsp honey. Keep sipping this concoction every now and then to calm down your frowning tummy.

If you are in the first trimester of your pregnancy, then please do check with you doctor before trying this home remedy for morning sickness.


Spasms induced during nausea puts you off completely. You can now sip a freshly brewed and cooled cup of peppermint tea to ease this spasm. However, if you are experiencing acidity induced nausea, then it would be better to wait until the tea cools down completely as there are reports that claim that warm peppermint tea worsens nausea. A peppermint flavored chewing gum or inhaling the vapor of few drops of peppermint oil could also help you.

Aerated Lemon Drink:

This is one of the best ways to keep your queasiness away. It works and in the most fabulous way. Squeeze a whole lemon into a glass and add about ½ a teaspoon of salt. You can add more salt to adjust your saltiness level. Top up with soda and sip your way to keep nausea at bay. This even works for morning sickness. Start your day with lemon water.

Eucalyptus Oil:

A few drops of eucalyptus oil can keep nausea at bay. Add it onto clean handkerchief and keep inhaling every now and then. The basic reason behind this is still unknown, but the aroma is supposed to be the trigger behind easing nausea. You can even cold balms also for the same purpose.


Inhale fresh mint leaves or just prepare a tea by steeping 1 tsp of dried mint leaves in 250 ml boiling water for half an hour. Strain the tea and sip your way. Your nausea will just fly away. BENEFITS AND REMEDIES OF MINT.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of the world’s most popular herbal teas. In fact, about a million cups are consumed every day. Tea bags of chamomile are available in the market or grocery store, and they often contain chamomile flower powder, either pure or blended with other popular medicinal herbs.

Try these effective natural remedies for nausea and stay relaxed.