20 Minutes to Get Fabulously Toned Arms

When I look at Deepika Padukone, I am most impressed with her arms. They are so well toned and if your thoughts echo mine, then you are reading the right post. Today we are here to give you want you want, a well-toned arms. Getting amazing toned arms are not a tough job.

You can get them easily with just a bit of dedication and hard work but without spending a penny. Now isn’t that amazing deal?
So how do you get to having fabulously toned arms? Just follow the below set of workouts and watch the magic happen. So here is how you can transform your flabby arms to fabulous arms.

20 Minutes to Get Fabulously Toned Arms

Pilates boxing: Pilates are highly followed by the movie stars these days. To get toned arms in particular there is one move that you must try, which is standing with feet at a hips-width apart, then bend your knees and hinge forward from your waist while maintaining a neutral spine. Now raise your fist to your shoulders and then keep the elbows up and box your right hand forward, clenching your abs meanwhile. Then bring down your hands to the center and then repeat the same with the other hand. Box on each side, for at least 20 times!

Dumbbell Chest Press: Lie on an elevated straight surface. You need a dumbbell of a comfortable weight. Lie on a bench with your face up. Now take the dumbbells in both your hands and lift them together and breathe out. Make sure your elbows are straight and extended. Your shoulders also must be extended straight. Breathe out when you extend your hand and breathe in when you bring them down to your chest. Repeat this chest press 10 to 20 times every day; this will tone your arms completely.

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Dumbbell Triceps Extension: We need one dumbbell for this workout. Sit on the bench and hold the dumbbell in your both your palms and lift them backward. Keep your back straight and move the hands clasped with the dumbbell up and down rhythemetically. Extend your elbows straight when you do this work out. Breathe normally and repeat this exercise 20 times. This workout will take care of back of the arms, where it gets flabby usually.

Arm Dumbbell Bicep Curl: This is a simple workout routine but very effective to tone your arms. To do this work out, you need just one dumbbell. Stand straight with your legs a little apart and hands straight down. Now lift one dumbbell in your hand and keeping your elbows straight, lift the dumbbell up till your shoulders and take bring hands down. Repeat this without moving your elbows. This will ensure your biceps are being worked out completely.

Keep in mind that before doing these workouts, take 15 minutes to warm up your body with simple stretching exercises. Indulge in these workouts every day at least for twenty minutes and you will see fabulous results. Other than these workouts, you can do jogging and swimming, this will also help in toning the arms.