Did you know that most of the food that you eat during the entire day is incorrectly consumed? Meaning, most of the foods that you eat have better ways to be eaten! How you make your veggies, eat your meals or drink can certainly have different and better effects when done in a better and correct manner. Here are the top 15 everyday foods you are eating all wrong:



Most of us like to eat apples peeled. Some even eat it in sauce form, and not the actual fruit. Apple skin is particularly rich in nutrients such as fibre and anti-oxidants. If you peel your apples before eating, you certainly are missing out on essential nutrients and fibre.


If you are directly putting flaxseeds on top of your smoothies or adding them as it in in your salads or veggies, you are eating it all wrong! All the nutrients in flaxseeds remain locked in them and they get flushed out as it is. The best way to get nutrients from flaxseeds in to grind them first and then add them in whatever you want to eat. You can keep the powdered flax seeds in an air tight container and use it as and when required.


We often leave the chicken wings half eaten with meat wedged between the bones. The meat near the bones have more nutrition content and we certainly do not want to miss on that, do we? An easy trick to getting every bite of that tasty meat is to pull the cartilage off at the wide part of the wing, gently twist and remove the small bone.


How many of you sit with the oranges peeling and peeling them? I always did that, and it took me really long. The perfect and correct way of eating oranges is to first cut the top and the bottom. Next, you need to  make a cut into the one side of the orange, until the knife reaches the fruit’s centre. Now simply open the orange and eat the wedges stuck on skin!


Usually we chop up the carrots to add them in soups, salads or simply to cook them. if you put chopped carrots in soups, think again! Cutting carrots increases surface size and allows more nutrients to leach out. This means after washing and peeling, your carrots should hit the water in their whole form to prevent leaching out of nutrients.


If you like cupcakes with frosting, you must be aware of how difficult it is to eat it clean without getting it on your lips or nose. You may even find it difficult to get the right proportion of cake and frosting in every bite. There is a solution and an easy way to eat a frosting cupcake- twist half the bottom of the cupcake and place it on top to make a sandwich like structure.


Strawberries are rich in vitamin C which is essential for our body. We usually slice strawberries and refrigerate them to be used in cakes, milkshakes etc. vitamin C is sensitive to light and oxygen, so by cutting them in advance you are losing all the essential nutrient in them. Always cut strawberries before consumption or have them whole.


Have you ever seen a transparent liquid floating on top of your yoghurt? That is nothing but whey.  You often tend to pour the whey down the sink! Whey is rich in nutrients like phosphorus, calcium, protein and vitamin B12. You probably would use the yoghurt for chicken marinating so the live cultures won’t be there anymore, but the nutrients in whey remain intact! So, whenever you want to consume yoghurt in any form, always mix it up and then use.


Tomatoes are generally used raw in salads, sandwiches etc. They add a burst of flavour to anything. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene that has anticancer properties and is rich in anti-oxidants. When heated, the nutrients and anti-oxidants in them get activated. So always cook tomatoes and then eat. If you want to put them raw in salads and sandwiches, you may heat them a bit or grill the sandwich.


We often boil the veggies in water in order to put them into salads, toasts, in smoothies etc. boiling veggies leaches out all the essential nutrients from veggies and we ultimately pour it down the drain! The best way to retain its nutrients is by steaming the veggies instead of boiling them.


We all love spinach in our salads and sandwiches. They add a nice crunch and flavour to it. Raw spinach does make a great base for salad and sandwiches but think about slightly warming them it. Slightly warming the spinach (maybe in a pan with olive oil or microwave) decreases oxalic acid and increases the bioavailability of vitamins A and E, protein, fibre, zinc, calcium and iron.


Bananas are really easy to have on-the-go, like you simply have to peel them off and eat. They make a great addition to breakfast especially when you are in a hurry. If you are eating them alone, you are probably eating bananas wrong. You need to pair it with some kind of fat, maybe peanut or almond butter t metabolise their high sugar content.


Removing or separating the pomegranate seeds from the skin can be tedious. It usually takes forever for me to remove all the seeds. There is a correct and quicker way to do this- simply cut the fruit in half, twist it on a plate and gently tap the top of halves with a spoon. The seeds will come right off and fall in the plate.


We all love sauted onions in burgers, on pizzas, in salads and veggies. They do add a nice texture and taste to anything, but think again before using onions cooked all the time. Raw onions have minerals and oils that help to break down fat deposits and speed up your metabolism. When you add sauted onions to anything, make sure you also add little raw ones at the end.


Diet conscious people often opt for fat-free salad dressings, but by doing that, you are doing no good to yourself. Salad dressings containing good fats keeps you full for longer and more satisfied after consumption to getting more nutrient absorption from your salad.