Lavender oil is popular for the calming and de-stressing effects it has on your body and mind. But people who have used this essential oil have high regards for its versatile properties. While therapeutic-grade of this oil is used for skin and hair issues, the edible grade can be added to your food. Here are some interesting ways to use this essential oil in and around your home.



As A Bug Repellent:

The fragrance of this essential oil makes it an effective antidote for various bugs like moths and midges. Just add a few drops of this oil to water and make a spray that you can use it on your skin and around your home to prevent the attacks of these irritating insects. It also works effectively in healing the bites.

Adds flavor to your food:

Add a couple of drops of edible grade lavender essential oil to your recipes to give the aroma and flavor a novel richness. You can easily add this essential oil to your tea, brownies, cookies, salads, and chocolates.

Use it as your fabric deodorizer:

Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a bucket of water. Use this as the last rinse for your clothes to naturally deodorize the fabrics.

Include in your homemade dish cleaning solution:

A couple of drops of lavender essential oil can easily be included in your homemade dish cleaner solutions to combat the germs. The inclusion of this oil will also leave a clean and fresh scent on your vessels.

Aromatic bulbs:

Add a few drops of lavender essential oils on the bulbs and allow them to dry. The bulb will give out a nice hue and a fabulous fragrance once it turns warm after it is switched on.

Quick and natural room freshener:

You can use lavender essential oil as an air freshener. Just add ten drops of this essential oil boiling water and turn off. Place the solution in the room of your choice. Once the oil starts vaporizing, the room will be filled with the aroma.

Use it in your potpourri:

Revive your potpourri by giving it a new lease of aroma by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to it. You can also try different home remedies using lavender oil >>

Clean your floor:

Add a few drops of this essential to water and use this mixture to clean your floors. While your house is sanitized in a harmless way, the lush aroma will bestow a calming environment as well.

Use it as your ironing mist:

Add about 12 drops of lavender essential to a small spray bottle and use it as your ironing mist to give a fresh touch of fragrance to your clothes.

Use it as your hand sanitizer:

Add 15 to 20 drops of edible-grade lavender essential oil to a 1-liter bottle filled with water and shake well. You can use it as your hand sanitizer.