Naturally Beautiful from Head to Toe

The natural oils are very useful for many beauty needs from head to toe. Whether it is for the face, skin or hair, there are different oils that can benefit you positively. Natural oils are those that are extracted from natural ingredients like olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil etc.

It is just not the face that requires pampering and care, your whole body deserves pampering too and there are so many ways to do that. The incredible beauty properties of these oils help you to achieve beautiful, glowing, smooth skin from head to toe literally. So let us see the different ways to achieve that:

Naturally Beautiful from Head to Toe

Extra virgin Coconut oil
Extra virgin coconut oil is extremely good for skin and hair. Apply coconut oil on your body and massage it. If done regularly, your skin will glow naturally. Coconut oil is known to have benefits of reducing bacteria on the skin and scalp. This makes it oil with an added health benefit. The other benefit is its richness which helps in nourishing the skin and scalp. To get beautiful skin, your must massage the oil on your face as well as body. Coconut oil can be applied on the scalp either warm or cold as per your preference. It helps to promote hair growth and makes the hair thick and black.

Olive oil
Olive oil has from ancient times been used for skin benefits. Olive oil is a rich source of vitamin A and E that is responsible for repairing the skin and renewing it. Olive oil can be used on skin as well as hair equally. Olive oil is great for strengthening the nails too. You can read the top 10 uses of olive oil for beauty remedies.

Almond oil
Almond is full of benefits and so is almond oil. Application of almond oil on the skin helps to get rid of dark circles around the eyes and to decrease dullness and tan. Meanwhile almond oil is responsible for hair growth and nails too.

Argan oil
This oil has been in use by women in Morocco since ancient times to get good skin as well as hair. Now we have the privilege to get the same. Argan oil helps in giving us youthful and healthy skin. It helps us with acne, dry skin, wrinkled and premature skin. It regulates the production of sebum in the skin and restores the elasticity of the skin. It reduces the fine lines and wrinkles and smoothes the stretch marks too. Argan oil can contribute towards hair as a deep conditioner or as a pre-styling product. It has double the amount of vitamin E as compared to other oils which makes it a great product for nails as well as cuticles. Find out the top 10 benefits and ways to use argan oil for skin and hair.

Emu oil
It is natural oil got from different parts of emu. It helps in cell regeneration, which makes it great for burns and scars. It also helps in reducing the wrinkles and improves the elasticity of the skin. Emu oil benefits the hair too as it is antibacterial, hypoallergenic and rich in fatty acids. Regular application of emu oil is good for hair. It will make the hair healthier, livelier and makes it stronger to deal with the environmental hazards.