NATURAL SPORTS DRINKSThe idea behind sports drinks is basically to replace what you’ve lost through sweat in an intense workout. That means they include a combination of fluids, sugar, salt and electrolytes.

Plain old water is often the best drink for post-workout recovery, but when you’re working out longer or in extreme heat, why buy a processed bottle of artificial ingredients when you can make your own natural sports drink alternatives instead?


Freshly pressed juices such as lemon, lime, and orange contain vitamins, enzymes and easily digestible sugars that help maintain energy during a workout, and then help speed recovery afterwards.

All you need us 3/4 cups water (depending on the concentration you prefer), 3/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (about 2-3 oranges), 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon celtic sea salt or real salt, 2 tablespoons raw honey or maple syrup (or more to taste). Just mix these up and give it a good shake and refresh yourself with this energetic drink!


Sea salt is full of electrolytes and minerals. Plus it “plays an important role of balancing the stress hormones during exercise. Salt reduces adrenaline levels and supports overall metabolic health. Raw honey is rich in minerals and easily digestible sugars, which can be used for energy.  Sugar “signals the body to down-regulate the production of stress hormones like cortisol. Cortisol levels spike during exercise and particularly during anaerobic (when you get breathless) exercise.     For making this drink, you only need 4 cups filtered water, 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon celtic sea salt or real salt and1/4 cup raw honey (or more to taste). Mix everything and consume!


Not only can watermelon can help reduce muscle soreness after a tough workout, it’s also rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps promotes a healthy heart. Mixed with lime and coconut water, this is one flavour-packed drink that tastes nothing like what you’d find in a bottle.

All you need is 1 cup watermelon freshly prepared juice, 1 cup coconut water and 5 tablespoons lime juice. Mix it all together and consume!


If you only eat all-organic everything, most regular sports drinks will likely be a shock to your system. Combine organic coconut water (1 cup) with organic lemons (2 lemons) and oranges (1 orange)for a sports drink with no added chemicals.