Natural Remedies to Tighten skin and Shrink Pores

Use ingredients in your kitchen to tighten and firm the skin naturally.


Natural Remedies to Tighten skin and Shrink Pores
Use rice to cleanse , exfoliate and tone the skin. It gently exfoliates the skin making your skin appear tighter. Read to know how to make a RICE SCRUB and a RICE TONER.


Natural Remedies to Tighten skin and Shrink Pores
Honey deep cleans the skin naturally to make the pores appear smaller.  When combined with lemon juice it makes an excellent brightening mask.


Natural Remedies to Tighten skin and Shrink Pores
Toner is recommended to shrinking your pores, make a natural toner using lemon juice. Lemon is a natural astringent that helps to tighten your skin and shrink pores. Dilute lemon juice with equal quantity of water, use a cotton ball to apply the toner all over the face to clean as well as shrink pores.

You can also make a skin tightening mask by combining tomato and lemon juice. Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with two teaspoon of tomato pulp. Apply it on your face and rinse it off after 15 mins.


Natural Remedies to Tighten skin and Shrink Pores
Run an ice cube over your face, focusing on areas with enlarged pores. The cold water will cause pores to reduce in size and minimize their appearance.


Natural Remedies to Tighten skin and Shrink Pores
Egg whites also help to tighten the skin, close up large pores and prevent an accumulation of dirt. Mix  egg whites with lemon juice and apply it on your face. Leave the face mask on until it begins to tighten and then rinse away with water. Your pores should feel tightened and deeply cleansed.