Essential oils are the purest forms of ingredients and are very potent; they have great effects when used correctly. Every season comes with its own problems and effects on health and summer is no exception!  Essential oils are a great aid in fighting illness, allergies and building immune system. Majority of summer problems can be treated with using essential oils including sunburn, acne, oily skin, scalp buildup, heat boils etc. Below is a list of summer problems and essential oil remedies for it:



Skin rashes are a common problem in summer especially if you sweat a lot. Rashes occur in summers due to sweat and constant buildup of oil and bacteria. Rashes can be itchy and can also have raised bumps along with redness. Aloe vera essential oil and lavender essential oil works the best for rashes, (you can make make aloe vera oil yourself by submerging aloe vera gel in coconut oil and boiling it).  These essential oils have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Apply the oil onto the rash and massage for some time. Let it remain for 30 minutes ad wipe it off.


Combination of peppermint essential oil and chamomile tea works great to recover your skin from sun burn. Add 20 drops of peppermint oil to 1 cup cooled chamomile tea. Apply this on the affected area. Do not rinse it off. More: Essential oils for common skin problems >>


Oily skin is a major issue in summers due to humidity and hot weather that makes sebaceous glands secrete more sebum thus making your skin oily.  Both tea tree oil and rosemary oil are known well to reduce excess oil from the skin. Just take one part of rosemary oil to 3 parts of tea tree oil. Now combine this with coconut oil with 2% dilution. Apply this on face daily before going to bed.


Those who have oily skin are bound to have an oily scalp too! The mechanism is similar too- humid and hot weather makes sebaceous glands secrete more sebum thus making your scalp oily. Use rosemary and peppermint essential oil to reduce oiliness and keep hair and scalp fresh for longer. Add few drops in your shampoo or green tea to use as hair mist.


With oily scalp and humid weather comes dandruff! Moisture and high temperature gives an opportunity to the opportunistic scalp fungus to grow and cause dandruff and itchiness. Use turmeric essential oil mixed with tea tree and coconut oil and massage your scalp with it before you shampoo it off. You can also keep it overnight if you have severe dandruff and itchiness. 10 Summer Beauty Hacks You Need to Know


Whiteheads look prominent in summers due to hot weather and you may also get whiteheads more during this time. After removing it with a whitehead or blackhead stick, apply lemongrass essential oil to it. Lemongrass essential oil is a powerful antiseptic and anti-fungal. Especially the antiseptic properties may do good to oily skin with acne and works great for blackheads and whiteheads. You can also add few drops in your night cream.