Beauty with Water – Rose water, rice water and mint water

Water is a very important source of our living. Water benefits are also plenty as we all know, but what’s interesting is its use in beauty. Water does wonders to our body by keeping us hydrated and thereby eliminating all the toxins from the body. Some of the beauty water treatments are listed below:

Beauty with Water - Rose water, rice water and mint water

Mint Water : Get the benefits and recipe for mint water >>

Next we are going to touch upon very popular beauty water and that is rose-water.

Rose water: Rose water has always been a part of our beauty regime from ages by both men and women. Rose water is very popular as a toner but there are several other ways of using it as well and I will tell you about that. DIY Homemade natural rose-water >>

  • Eyes: Rose water helps in soothing tired eyes, so all those who work for long hours in front of the computer must grab this right now. Apply rose-water under your eyes and get that sparkle in your eyes back.
  • For hair: Rose water helps to enhance the blood circulation and promote the hair growth at the same time. It can be used as a conditioner for best results.
  • For teeth: Do you have inflammation or gum problems? Then use rose-water as a mouthwash. It will not only help to eliminate bad breath but also reduce the inflammation and gum problems.