According to Ayurvedic principles, travelling is a major cause of Vata imbalance. Excessive travelling leads to Ayurveda Vata imbalance. This exhibits through the symptoms like headache, giddiness, vomiting sensation, backache, body ache etc. You may find various travel tips but following Ayurveda while travelling is the best thing you can do to your body! Read on to know what Ayurveda suggests for a happy journey:


People often become constipated when traveling due to the increased Vata, impaired digestive function and disruption of routine. Taking two Triphala capsules at bedtime gently aids bowel movements and tones the colon. This will help support the immune system to help fight off any bugs you may pick up on the flight.


Almond milk relieves anxiety and other vata-related imbalances. If you have access to a blender, soak five almonds first thing in the morning. In the evening, peel off the skins and blend the almonds with one cup of hot milk, a pinch of cardamom and saffron, and a teaspoon of date sugar, jaggery or your sweetener of choice.


Ginger is essential to maintain a healthy digestive capacity. This is important as vata lowers digestive capacity. Also, this root is warming and that further helps to balance the cold of vata. All you need to do is throw few slices of fresh ginger root in a ziplock and ask for hot water on the plane. Most grocery stores carry ginger teabags and that is convenient for travel.


If you get headache usually during or after travel, it is advisable to keep the ears plugged with cotton swabs. Make sure you select a bigger swab, so that the swab becomes stuck in the ear.


If you are travelling through plane, you may be familiar with dry skin as pressurized cabin air sucks moisture from skin. That is why you need to drink plenty of water during a flight; carrying your own bottles and asking for refills. Try infusing your water with spices like liquorice, ginger, cardamom and cinnamon to help unclog channels and keep you calm throughout the journey. Splash your face with mineral water from time to time and, when not wearing make-up, gently rub mineral water on your face with the tips of your fingers. This gives the double benefit of rehydration and massage.


This breathing technique derives its name from the black Indian bee called Bhramari. (Bhramari = type of Indian bee; pranayama = breathing technique).

To practice Brahmari Pranayama, sit comfortably, with the back tall and shoulders relaxed. Start by taking a few natural breaths, and close your eyes. Then, keeping the lips lightly sealed, inhale through the nostrils. Exhaling, make the sound of the letter M, essentially a humming sound. Sustain the sound until you need to inhale. Then repeat: Inhale through the nose, then hum like a buzzing bee as you exhale. Continue by inhaling as needed and exhaling with this sound for several minutes. You can practice as long as it feels good.


An hour before you start your journey, swallow a ginger or cinnamon capsule, drink mint tea, or try some tagar (Indian valerian). These herbs strengthen agni (digestive fire), improve circulation, and relax the mind.

Other tips:

  • Dabbing essential oils on the wrist and temples can be very mind-soothing. Some nice ones for travel are lavender, frankincense, eucalyptus and jasmine. They are all mind-calming and clarifying.
  • Did you know that sunlight reduces jet lag? When you reach your destination, go outside and let the sun soak your skin for 20 minutes.
  • Try Abhyanga or oil-massage is very useful before, during and after periods of travel.